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how to not fall asleep during meditation in the morning

3 posts in this topic

WHILST not getting addicted to things like coffee or various other drugs

What do you think is the best solution from experience ?

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1. Don't meditate in the morning

2. Exercise before

3. Cold shower before

4. Drink 1/2 litre of water before

5. All of above

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10 hours ago, levani said:

WHILST not getting addicted to things like coffee or various other drugs

What do you think is the best solution from experience ?

I'd say the best solution is a full nights sleep - which is 8 hours in my case. Of course a full nights sleep doesn't mean good sleep, so do everything you can to make sure that you have high quality sleep. 

I am guilty of always having a coffee in the morning before my meditation but to be honest there are occasionally days where I still fall asleep. 

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