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What has been the price paid for your current level of self-assessed wisdom? Do you believe the harder the hardship yields greater wisdom if any wisdom is to be attained at all? are you overall grateful of your experiences? Or spiteful as you curse the predicaments of your hardship?

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Definitely experiences are a path to wisdom. And contemplation, and breathing, and so on.

Self-assessment does have consequences, like being ineffective for comparison between people, and not being especially unbiased. It makes it unclear where wisdom gaps may be. I would love to be thoroughly assessed by a seasoned wisdom practitioner, know my spiral dynamics strengths and gaps, assessed against all sorts of tools added by new assessors as they join in.

We must be grateful for experiences and glean what we can from them.


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I do not believe that we must consciously seek suffering in order to grow, but we can't turn away from what we're going through right now. Even though suffering is the price, it is also free so it's not like anything is paid.

Edited by tsuki

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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