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My experience with psychic phenomena

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I have never had an experience with such paranormal or psychic phenomena until the age of 19.
But yet even before that, I always somewhat knew or had an intuitive feeling, that these things are or must be real.

In a age of 17 I started to follow along with other self help youtube channels,
because I wanted to improve my self and my life.

As I started to do meditation regularly, exercise more often, drink only water and eat healthier,
I began to have my first (I have no idea how to call it) mystical / psychic experiences.
My experiences included:
- seeing auras around parts of my body and other people (I will leave an illustration below)
- seeing energies moving around my room, other places and around objects (Illustration below as well)

Later I had a chat with close friend's mom, because I know she has a knowledge and experience with these things.
She reassured me, that this is completely normal and I wasn't going insane or anything like that.
Besides that, she also told me, that sometimes shoes at their home randomly start to levitate,
because they "have attracted some energies" in the part.

And so my questions are:
1. Can you guys recommend me some material, videos or literature, that explains psychic abilities with more detail
2. Are there any traps or warnings, I should be looking for, when studying about such things?
3. Do you have any of these experiences, that you don't mind sharing? 

I am not interested in devilish or selfish desires.
I just have a genuine and humble desire to be more educated about this topic.
I grew up in a loving warm family and I spent majority of my childhood playing video games and having fun with my friends,
so again, I AM NOT interested in hurting or using of the knowledge for selfish yearnings. 

Since we live in heavy Orange society, I find it more interesting to discuss topics like these rather than shallow material and superficial stuff.
Thank you very much for reading.



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Just as there are expressions of mental intelligence (general, analytical, verbal) and of physical intelligence (agility, strength, speed), it seems there are expressions of spiritual intelligence (chi and other spiritual powers).

All of these expressions magnify our current state of alignment with Consciousness. If we are misaligned, these expressions empower the ego. If we are awake, these expressions empower our presence. With power comes responsibility :)


Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Most "auras" and whatnot are just visual snow and after-images, although the aura is a very real thing that can be manipulated. Magick and the occult are your best bets. The manipulation of the world in accordance with will and the shifting of mental/spiritual energies consciously or in the subconscious. Though, telekinesis and whatnot ARE NOT real as far as I know.

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On 3/29/2021 at 4:41 PM, artcastle said:

The disclaimer is interesting too. Why do many assume that such abilities are dangerous? Too much consumption of fear-inspired fiction? It's sad that people have to apologize or be feared or cast out for being honest and open. 

I am very sorry for the late response. 

I wrote the disclaimer, because I didn't want to be seen as insane or something.
People who haven't been through such experience or haven't seen anything 
often see you as the crazy one or as wishful thinking overreactive liar.

After such experiences, the "black hole effect" occurs.
You can't tell others what's on the other side of the black hole,
because you already entered it and can't return.

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On 11/16/2020 at 9:58 PM, AtheisticNonduality said:

Most "auras" and whatnot are just visual snow and after-images, although the aura is a very real thing that can be manipulated. Magick and the occult are your best bets. The manipulation of the world in accordance with will and the shifting of mental/spiritual energies consciously or in the subconscious. Though, telekinesis and whatnot ARE NOT real as far as I know.

Thank you very much for the recommendation, will check it out.

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I am not interested in devilish or selfish desires.
I just have a genuine and humble desire to be more educated about this topic.
I grew up in a loving warm family and I spent majority of my childhood playing video games and having fun with my friends,
so again, I AM NOT interested in hurting or using of the knowledge for selfish yearnings."




I know, maybe is not your intention to go unto the dark side and experience what you want to experience. Just saying that it will be a possibilitie, no human being is" good" enough not to experiment with pshychic power once he/she gets the hang of it. Just trying to say that is ok if you want to experience even the devilry. My point is, you will harm indeed if you know how psychic power works, but that is the way we learn. And the worst harm is having good intentions, just saying. 

Try becoming the WIND, see what happens, the concept of the Wind i mean, the movement. 



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