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Are people getting more unstable?

2 posts in this topic

It seems like with this whole covid thing people are getting more unstable.

Or is this just making the less stable people coming out of the woodwork?

Is society in "the west" in general getting less stable?

Do you think we'll enter a phase of real instability in the "west"?

Propaganda from all kinds of places

Social media, people getting fed by algorithms, living in their bubbles, anger, fear, confirmation bias etc.

I see it in people sometimes who i thought were kind of stable.

Deep fake could cause even a lot more instability in coming years.



I'm not saying conspiracy theorists are wrong or right either.

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Yea things are going really crazy around the world. 

Could be a global decrease in the quality of consciousness 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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