
I am a Basketball player. Here is my situation...

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I am writing this after I watched Leo’s latest video about college
      I am a Basketball player. I am in 12th grade. I did Leo’s Life Purpose Course, and I came out with the result that playing Basketball is my life purpose. I love Basketball, and I can be a professional Basketball player but as you know, you cannot do that for next 50 years (+ I don’t want be a coach, skill trainer, any of that.) Professional Basketball is buyer’s market, it is a crowded place, therefore not everyone makes it. Therefore I was thinking about learning different skills; having Plan B Life Purpose, in order to live a passionate life, become my own boss, be financially independent, and be a creator. 
     I have two passions, which I identified while taking life purpose course: One is Basketball as I said, and second is personal development, more specifically sub-field of Reality Creation, Manifestation aka Law Of Attraction. Other than Basketball related work and school-work, I use that time learning general self help and law of attraction material, applying the information and practicing it. As Leo said after finishing college, you need to have a source of income, way to be independent. Therefore I want to learn how to become an entrepreneur, one of ideas is to create an online teaching business, where I can teach people Manifestation (maybe make a course, or some kind of product/teaching tool). Thing is I don’t have technical skills to actualize this, I don’t know how to create a website, course, product, sales, marketing, etc (stuff you need to know to have a business). I am serious about life; I am not average teenager: jerking off, playing video games, wasting time all day. I do not waste time. Basketball taught me: Self Discipline, Mental Toughness, Persistence, Willpower, etc...all inner qualities Leo talked about in college video, which is crucial for self education, survival success and living a good life. 
    Why did I wrote all this stuff? All of you who were in same circumstance (not necessarily same fields): 1). Where and how did you learn the technical skills to actualize your visions? 2). Any other advice you have, I will be very thankful.
   (Of course, I am doing my own research, but I also decided to write this here.)

Edited by Rasheed

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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Sounds like you're thinking about all of this in a wise, reasonable way. Perhaps your Manifestation work can be tailored to the world of athletics, using your passion for sport as a bridge between your two passions. There's certainly a lot of overlap between Law of Attraction and high performance / winning in sports...could be a great market to tap for your LP work. Best of luck to you!

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@Rasheed Very good! That's sounds like a solid plan.

The rest is just execution. Start reading books and researching online for courses, programs, trainings, seminars, etc. You will figure it out. You've got plenty of time. You don't need to have all the answers given to you right now. You will figure out all the technical details along the way. What's most important is that you have a clear direction in mind and that you chip away at it every day for months and years.

Spend a couple of years just doing a bunch of online research about business and entrepreneurship. Sign up to some business magazines and slowly, every month you will get new ideas.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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This is such a smart plan, especially with how competitive the world of Pro-Sports is, also unless you make it into the NBA, or Euro League, I'm not sure the pay is amazing. For example, someone locally here played in the UK and some of the lower European leagues but ended up retiring at 27 and getting into recruiting & Real-Estate as it was far more lucrative & Injuries + his passion for basketball began to fall. Not saying that happens to everyone, but its great you're: 

1) Following your greatest love- Basketball 

2) Have the long term thinking to plan for life post Bball, that's seriously impressive. 

Just make sure you first become good enough yourself at LOA / Manifestation before teaching it, but you sound like you're defo on the path!


'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@tuckerwphotography Thanks, that’s actually amazing idea.

@Leo Gura Thanks. I agree. It is about action, self discipline, focus, investing time wisely and staying on the path. I must do lot of research, and develop technical skills to create a website, product, marketing, sales, etc...

@LfcCharlie4 Thanks. Of course I am working on mastering the art of manifestation in order to give people great value. Goal is to be a massive value provider, and that is done by practice and mastery.

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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Good plan. 


Jerking off is not bad. 

Playing video games is not bad. 

Wasting time is not bad. 

Teens do that sort of stuff because they are teens and that's fine. 

Everything can be turned into a learning experience. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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You describe yourself as a legit pro candidate, which would open up the opportunity of getting full-ride scholarship to a DI school. That would give you another four years of development without having to worry about finances. And a D1 level of competition could give you an idea of your chances in playing BB in a league that pays enough to pay the bills. And depending on the college / Uni - you could do some coursework related to your secondary life purpose. 

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11 hours ago, Rasheed said:

 Why did I wrote all this stuff? All of you who were in same circumstance (not necessarily same fields): 1). Where and how did you learn the technical skills to actualize your visions? 2). Any other advice you have, I will be very thankful.
   (Of course, I am doing my own research, but I also decided to write this here.)


Don't worry about the details or the ifs and the how you can make it work. 

Just focus on getting hyper clear and specific on exactly what you want out of life. Like the more detailed the better.


Then when you get clear on a very specific vision on where you want your life to be, you can be decisive and the burning 

passion and desire for it will lead your mind to figure all the 'hows' along the way.


Then it's simple. You just keep chipping away at it one day at a time whether it means books, courses, coaching, building certain skills, etc.





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@Preety_India I meant there are better things to do, of course it cam be a learning experience to not do that.

@Forestluv Working on that.

@Byun Sean Yes, I agree! Consistency of effort is important. 

Thank you all.

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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On 11/16/2020 at 7:57 PM, Preety_India said:

Good plan. 


Jerking off is not bad. 

Playing video games is not bad. 

Wasting time is not bad. 

Teens do that sort of stuff because they are teens and that's fine. 

Everything can be turned into a learning experience. 



Aka Having Fun is not bad! 

This is one of my biggest gripes of Self-Actualization/ Spiritual circles, they almost shame people for having fun & put people who say party here and there or play some video games with friends in the same bracket as basement dwelling alcoholic incels. 

It's like we forget life is about enjoying ourselves & being happy, we're allowed to have fun, everyone's balance is different and not everyone will want to be a super achiever and that's fine. 

Not everyone will also want to play video games or party, and would rather build a huge business for example & that's cool too, I think we need to learn to accept people are unique & have different ambitions in life, and as long as it comes from love & makes them happy, what's the issue? 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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8 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:


Aka Having Fun is not bad! 

This is one of my biggest gripes of Self-Actualization/ Spiritual circles, they almost shame people for having fun & put people who say party here and there or play some video games with friends in the same bracket as basement dwelling alcoholic incels. 

It's like we forget life is about enjoying ourselves & being happy, we're allowed to have fun, everyone's balance is different and not everyone will want to be a super achiever and that's fine. 

Not everyone will also want to play video games or party, and would rather build a huge business for example & that's cool too, I think we need to learn to accept people are unique & have different ambitions in life, and as long as it comes from love & makes them happy, what's the issue? 

Perfect slam dunk buddy !! On point. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Rasheed Huge props to you for taking life seriously. I respect your drive.

In my own experience, a guiding principle I learned early is patience. Like you, I want to be a creator. But it will take time. Your love is for basketball and Law of Attraction; mine is geology and epistemology/consciousness. In my case, I'm using all of my free time (which is very little as a graduate student) to read, research, and plan. Reading, writing, drawing, reading, writing, drawing,...and contemplating! If you block out say 1-2 hours each day of reading/writing for the next 4 years, you'll go a long way. Cheers!

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On 16.11.2020 at 0:09 PM, Rasheed said:

Therefore I want to learn how to become an entrepreneur, one of ideas is to create an online teaching business, where I can teach people Manifestation (maybe make a course, or some kind of product/teaching tool). Thing is I don’t have technical skills to actualize this, I don’t know how to create a website, course, product, sales, marketing, etc (stuff you need to know to have a business).


You may be lucky now. Looks like Eben Pagan (Yellow Thinker, online business, marketing, money psychology, ...) in the last years sold 8 of his courses (usually 800$+) for 1$ on black friday. I really hope he does it again this year, wanna buy it. Google "Eben Pagan Black Friday" and you'll find his Facebook announcement of the last years, usually the last date was on 25-17.11 .

Miracle:    Impossible from an old understanding of reality, but possible from a new one.

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@WonderSeeker Thanks. Yes, patience is very improtant and key to that is loving the process, loving the practice. Good luck in your journey, I am sure you will be (you are) successful.

@peqkno Wow, I did not know much about Eben Pagan. Thanks. Very helpful. If you know, does he have products for technical skills like building a website, product...?

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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