Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Practice Thread

133 posts in this topic

Stage blue on gender: 

This culture has turned its back on Jesus. This is what we were warned about in 2 Timothy, where people are unholy and ungrateful in the end times. Where "men can be women" and "women can be men". God gave you a body that was perfectly designed for you and your soul. This generation is idolatary; it's created a religion from this gender theory - did you know that the founder of gender theory caused two brothers to commit suicide? - and they say it's about compassion, but really they just hate God. They only want to spite him. So sad, Jesus better be coming soon. 

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Unhealthy Orange/Red-Pill Mentality on Pickup:

"Dude, there's nothing wrong with going up to women in public and trying to attract them. If it wasn't for game/pickup, then you wouldn't be alive right now because your Dad wouldn't have approached your mom. And its not manipulation, women love sex and if the woman is attracted then the feelings are neutral. In reality, girls are already looking for sex but they don't want to seem like sluts because society teaches them that slutty behavior is looked down upon. So its your job to be non-judgemental, and make it seem like she naturally ended up at your place with the flow of your lead.

You gotta understand, girls love assholes. They don't want none of that beta-male cuck bullshit. You gotta be the alpha-male, its in their biology to feel naturally attracted to alphas. They want someone mentally and in most cases physically strong so they feel a sense of security around you. Beta-male behaviors are a sign of weakness and the girl can sense that off of you. Be grounded, be dominant in your body-language, and the way you speak. They want to be dominated, controlled, and manipulated, this is what will get their pussy wet. Make sure to always be on your toes, because girls like to shit-test you to throw you off your guard and make sure you're actually the alpha-male you make yourself out to be."

Edited by 7thLetter

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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Purple: Drugs? You mean spirit teachers? The plants are alive. When you eat them they reveal sacred visions to you. 


Red: I sell them, dont get high on your own supply. My buddy is a methhead though. Probably my fault, I needed that money. 


Blue: Sorcery! Of the devil! Stay far away from all drugs! They will lead you down a path of homelessness and hell!


Orange: Is alcohol a drug? I drink. Done coke a couple of times. Did acid once as a teenager, it was terrifying, never going back there. 


Green: Have you heard of DMT? Is so amazing! Cant believe we havent explored these things! The government wants to keep you close-minded and sheepish! Bah!

Edited by Rilles

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For actualized.org

Beige: "where's the food? Where's the drink? Where's the water? I need to lye down. I need to sleep"

Purple: ohhh, actualized.org, hmmmm. ok. We use these pebbles, and we draw on the rocks, like actualized.org, we write what our ancestors did. how they lived, how we hunt, how we have sex. They are part of us, our ancestors. They are us and we use the rocks to remember. actualized.org is like that for you too. Its a way of remembering how your ancestors are. What you did. How you lived. How you hunted. How you talked to spirits. How you have sex. The spirits in actualized.org, is 1 for each member. Each member has 1 spirit from the dreamtime. Like the wombat, and the goanna, they live inside each member. It came from the past, when actualized.org was made, and the world. The world came to be through sun coming down and breaking up into each member. You write down sex in the dating post section to remember who you are and what you do. It helps you remember how your ancestors had sex. It will help your generation in the future too. 

Red actualized.org are for all the pussies that grew up with weakling parents and don't have any balls. They hide behind the forum like little scared kids. Look at the dating section, full of beta males that can't get laid because their strength and courage is that of a fly. They need to grow some hard balls and start whipping women into gear. Just get out there, start grabbing them, literally grabbing them. Show those women whose boss. That's how you make 'em wet. What's the effective alturism crap on the life purpose section? Were you raised by some deranged feminist? Take those competitive companies down! What are you waiting for? Make a pyramid scheme, do whatever it takes to get rich, that's how you be a real man. This site is full of suckers that don't know how to live. 

Blue: Actualized.org, yes interesting. We don't believe in actualized.org we believe in puddhism. Our saint, called the puddha, he is our God. He lived many years ago and created yoga and meditation as we see it today. It all came from him. In our scripture we sit down and meditate for exactly 4 hours, this clears our mind and soul. It the scriptures it said to be careful of those diverting from the scriptures. Diversion leads to wrong doing and confusion. Be careful of actualized.org, it doesn't follow the scriptures. It doesn't know the proper ways to meditate as set out by puhhha. It cannot be proper if it doesn't follow the scriptures. It wasn't approved by puddha and therefore its wrong. Those who follow actualized.org are transgressors who don't believe in the puddha, and therefore are followers of the devil. The puddha warned of this in sec 4 "those who don't follow the scriptures are doomed for satan's fate".

Orange: Everyone has beliefs that they want to believe in, because no one can handle the fact that they don't know what happens. This site is no different! Look at the latest thread: synchronicities. There are no synchronicities, see the human mind creates patterns in its brain from coincidences and then starts drawing imaginary conclusions from those patterns. Because we can't handle the fact that its a coincidence, we need to give it meaning. The fact of the matter is, there are no patterns! Its just random! But this site is full of delusional fools who think otherwise. They don't respect the scientific method, they don't understand science and truth. Because they don't want to, because they are delusional. Where are the scientific papers to prove synchronicities exist? Exactly, absolutely none. What research papers don't tell the truth? Utter bullshit, of course they do, they are held up by massive, well respected institutions like MIT, how can you say such nonsense. You're just a guru trying to get lots of money by scamming people like all other gurus, you're nothing special. 

Green: I like to do dick measuring in the meditation section, talk about how women/men suck in the dating section, talk about how people are misusing spiral dynamics in the actualized.org section, and talk about how my chakras are activating and killing me in the serious emotional problems section

Yellow: Well actualized.org is a personal development system to help society at large evolve and grow so that we can ensure that human beings progress in their development in a healthy and sustainable way that suits environmental, sociological and all other ological needs.

Turquoise The collective conscious yearns for spirit and love in our ever evolving world and the beautiful beings on actualized.org are a connected collection of beings with various, but complimentary levels of energetic frequencies that, all together form a cohesive movement towards more harmony, love, peace and truth. While we are all already in harmony, we must not forget that there is still work to do to align all of ourselves together to ensure that we as a whole are emerging towards the light in the most unitive way possible. 

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2 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

For actualized.org

Beige: "where's the food? Where's the drink? Where's the water? I need to lye down. I need to sleep"

Purple: ohhh, actualized.org, hmmmm. ok. We use these pebbles, and we draw on the rocks, like actualized.org, we write what our ancestors did. how they lived, how we hunt, how we have sex. They are part of us, our ancestors. They are us and we use the rocks to remember. actualized.org is like that for you too. Its a way of remembering how your ancestors are. What you did. How you lived. How you hunted. How you talked to spirits. How you have sex. The spirits in actualized.org, is 1 for each member. Each member has 1 spirit from the dreamtime. Like the wombat, and the goanna, they live inside each member. It came from the past, when actualized.org was made, and the world. The world came to be through sun coming down and breaking up into each member. You write down sex in the dating post section to remember who you are and what you do. It helps you remember how your ancestors had sex. It will help your generation in the future too. 

Red actualized.org are for all the pussies that grew up with weakling parents and don't have any balls. They hide behind the forum like little scared kids. Look at the dating section, full of beta males that can't get laid because their strength and courage is that of a fly. They need to grow some hard balls and start whipping women into gear. Just get out there, start grabbing them, literally grabbing them. Show those women whose boss. That's how you make 'em wet. What's the effective alturism crap on the life purpose section? Were you raised by some deranged feminist? Take those competitive companies down! What are you waiting for? Make a pyramid scheme, do whatever it takes to get rich, that's how you be a real man. This site is full of suckers that don't know how to live. 

Blue: Actualized.org, yes interesting. We don't believe in actualized.org we believe in puddhism. Our saint, called the puddha, he is our God. He lived many years ago and created yoga and meditation as we see it today. It all came from him. In our scripture we sit down and meditate for exactly 4 hours, this clears our mind and soul. It the scriptures it said to be careful of those diverting from the scriptures. Diversion leads to wrong doing and confusion. Be careful of actualized.org, it doesn't follow the scriptures. It doesn't know the proper ways to meditate as set out by puhhha. It cannot be proper if it doesn't follow the scriptures. It wasn't approved by puddha and therefore its wrong. Those who follow actualized.org are transgressors who don't believe in the puddha, and therefore are followers of the devil. The puddha warned of this in sec 4 "those who don't follow the scriptures are doomed for satan's fate".

Orange: Everyone has beliefs that they want to believe in, because no one can handle the fact that they don't know what happens. This site is no different! Look at the latest thread: synchronicities. There are no synchronicities, see the human mind creates patterns in its brain from coincidences and then starts drawing imaginary conclusions from those patterns. Because we can't handle the fact that its a coincidence, we need to give it meaning. The fact of the matter is, there are no patterns! Its just random! But this site is full of delusional fools who think otherwise. They don't respect the scientific method, they don't understand science and truth. Because they don't want to, because they are delusional. Where are the scientific papers to prove synchronicities exist? Exactly, absolutely none. What research papers don't tell the truth? Utter bullshit, of course they do, they are held up by massive, well respected institutions like MIT, how can you say such nonsense. You're just a guru trying to get lots of money by scamming people like all other gurus, you're nothing special. 

Green: I like to do dick measuring in the meditation section, talk about how women/men suck in the dating section, talk about how people are misusing spiral dynamics in the actualized.org section, and talk about how my chakras are activating and killing me in the serious emotional problems section

Yellow: Well actualized.org is a personal development system to help society at large evolve and grow so that we can ensure that human beings progress in their development in a healthy and sustainable way that suits environmental, sociological and all other ological needs.

Turquoise The collective conscious yearns for spirit and love in our ever evolving world and the beautiful beings on actualized.org are a connected collection of beings with various, but complimentary levels of energetic frequencies that, all together form a cohesive movement towards more harmony, love, peace and truth. While we are all already in harmony, we must not forget that there is still work to do to align all of ourselves together to ensure that we as a whole are emerging towards the light in the most unitive way possible. 

Im laughing so hard... bro... Green is spot on. hahaha

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

And how would Red see global warming?

Stage Red: Global Warming

Ummm that's probably fake, but in case it is true I don't really care. That's a problem for next generations. I even enjoy thinking they will have to endure catastrophes. Maybe I can even gain some advantage from all those fearful environmentalist fools. What about selling them a "Global Warming Insurance"

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Beige: Covid is nature's payback for destroying her.oh Gia,let our community be spared from your wrath.

Red: Its fake and Govt propoganda.

Blue: World is gonna end soon, Rend your heart, and not yourgarments, and turn unto the Lord yourGod: for he is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and plenteous in mercy, and repenteth him of the evil". 

Orange: Meh thats why am investing in Mars project

Green: all Corporates needs to be fined, lets protest. lets gather together hug trees. sing songs praise nature, remove plastics from life, lets go save whalesall people we need to act quick.

Yellow: Already we are late by xxx no's, carbon emission in last 20yrs have been rised by 'x %  temperature has risen by 'x%  we have to find tangible solutions to this problem also considering people who will be affected by new regualtions and changes of rules, highly taxing corporates. have to consider the asian and african countries and there economies how severly they will be affected due to new regulations. 

Edited by Harikrishnan

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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35 minutes ago, mavelezm said:

Stage Red: Global Warming

Ummm that's probably fake, but in case it is true I don't really care. That's a problem for next generations. I even enjoy thinking they will have to endure catastrophes. Maybe I can even gain some advantage from all those fearful environmentalist fools. What about selling them a "Global Warming Insurance"

Ah... the smell of beautiful, powerful clean coal in the morning. The fuel of champions ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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What is this thing called capitalism? Is it a plant? Does it have a spirit animal? Our ancestors did not speak of this thing called capitalism, and its spirit has never made itself known to us, so we cannot adopt capitalism.


Capitalism or no capitalism, I'm still gonna come out on top. As long as I get away with it, it's fair game. Capitalism is just survival of the fittest. So give me your money or I'll hit you over the head with a baseball bat.


Capitalism is the one true economic system. God granted our culture with capitalism, and now it is our duty to bring it to other uncivilized cultures. And, if all else fails, we can impose a capitalist system on them show them how great it is, because God demands that we civilize other cultures in order to save them from the devil. 


WHOOO CAPITALISM!!! [Parks Lamborghini] What could be better? Look how much wealth it's created. The US won the Cold War, so it's obviously the best system. Besides, the economics behind it is simple: markets in equilibrium. Supply and demand. Boom. The best thing for society is for everyone to follow their own self-interest, because society is nothing more than a bunch of individuals running around. Don't encroach on my right to earn millions of dollars! If people are poor, it's because the don't have any work ethic. [Takes off in Lamborghini]


Capitalism is the root of all global evil. Just look at what it has done: wars, poverty, inequality, corruption, child labor, global warming... How can we have a well-functioning society if there is a huge disparity in wealth and access to basic resources? We need a socialist democracy now! If you need me, I'll be at Occupy Wall Street. Save the whales!


Capitalism is good to some extent. It serves an evolutionary need in society to get most people's needs met and allows for exchange on massive scales. It's not bad per se, just unhealthy if left unchecked. What is required is a delicate balance of capitalistic and socialistic policies. Also, our economic theories need to be totally revamped to take into consideration inequality, irrationality, psychology, climate change, chaos theory, and complexity theory. The goal of the economy should be to allow people to move up the Spiral and develop to the highest levels of their potential, not to maximize wealth.


On the scale of the universe, reality is in perfect harmony. All the limits of our current way of thinking will soon become apparent to us as we advance towards love and truth. In the meantime, each of us on an individual level should seek to show up in the world with consciousness and love in order to bring humanity and the world into the next phase of evolution.

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7 hours ago, Loving Radiance said:

Topic unclear. It can be said in many contexts.


Stage Blue: Allahu akbar. Thank you Allah, thank you, you are so great. You are the only one that exists, all other gods are false gods. You know what needs to be done, you know what challenges to put in front of people so that they grow, thank you so much Allah, you are so magnificent, you are the only true one. Allahu akbar.

Edited by Raphael

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Blue: Witchcraft! The Bible says not to believe in such things. Stay far away from sorcery. 

Orange: We have no evidence that the stars influence our behaviour. Its just confirmation bias. Superstition. Barnum statements. 

Green: Im a Cancer, I tell you Its so weird, all my best friends since childhood have been water signs, Its very weird, Its like the universe has connected us by fate. My husband is a Scorpio and when we met it was love at first sight. 

Yellow: There might be some truth in Astrology but we have better personality models that are more useful and accurate. Its fun to read up on your signs though. I do sometimes feel like a Taurus, Im very stubborn sometimes. Its interesting to read up on the ancient history of Astrology and Astronomy too. 


Edited by Rilles

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@Rilles  that was nice. 

What does a stage Orange society do with a sick chemist? 



Stuff goes deep! Eh! 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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5 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

@Rilles  that was nice. 

What does a stage Orange society do with a sick chemist? 



Stuff goes deep! Eh! 


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Stage orange: the pragmatist ? 

Edited by Megan Alecia

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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Universal Basic Income

Orange : You can't just give people handouts for things they didn't work hard to earn. UBI fosters dependency on the State, and completely absolves people of Personal Responsibility for thier own well being. It's also too expensive.

Also Orange : UBI is compromise position we can tolerate if it completely replaces the Welfare State, and is less wasteful than the billions of dollars being spent on inefficient Social Programs that don't work. UBI dollars can be invested back in to the economy through consumer spending, and can be a boon for entrepreneurs. Individuals know better than government bureaucrats how to spend Aid money, and UBI at the very least will give Individuals more autonomy than the Current Transfer System.

Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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17 minutes ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

Why do people always assume that the YELLOW vMEME automatically supports a balance between Capitalism and Socialism?


Perhaps I didn't express myself clearly. I was more pointing to the idea that Yellow doesn't blindly support either capitalism or socialism, and is instead able to be extremely flexible in its worldview. 

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1 hour ago, Rilles said:


Blue: Witchcraft! The Bible says not to believe in such things. Stay far away from sorcery. 


Game changes completely if you are Hindu or even from India.  indians are more open to all new age and wo-woo.  now Sd gets complex

Edited by Harikrishnan

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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11 minutes ago, Harikrishnan said:

Game changes completely if you are Hindu or even from India.  indians are more open to all new age and wo-woo.  now Sd gets complex


Dont look at me! Look inside!

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