
i want to be a psycadelic reseacher but i am not sure if the uni will accept it

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i will start from the begining and then i will get to what the title says.

so almost 4 years ago i did trip with a magic mushroom which treated my depression completly ,then my journy begin , and i started to read about psycadelics for pretty much the whole day every day. it got to this channel and leo really showed me that psycadelics can be really powerfull and that there is more to the topic. then i got curiuse and started to read about all of the spiritual stuff, buddhism, yoga,shamanism, different religions some morden spiritual stuff . then i was sure that i want that in my life, this is was what i was looking for but the road is really unknown and i cant really get to some religion that i think the best and get all of mystical stuff to explore (for me is about truth finding).

after seeing some more stuff about psycadelics in youtube and reddit i was sure that psycadelics are the best way to get to there (all this stuff took monthes of non stop research, not arrogent like it looks here, also did some practices). then i started to make a plan but i understood that my age is too young for this (this time 19 years old, i knew that i needed to be 25 for be pretty safe doing it), then after more planning about what to do with my 4-5 years till then i understood that it would be shitty to know all those stuff and not be able to help peole to know it too. i uderstood that i dont want to helps some people but to help most of the people that i could so i needed some systematic idea . i got the idea of doing science with psycadelics so people would know that it can be helpfull. i understood that this is bad idea because i would get too great results .

so i though about giving researcher psycadelics and following there progress to show people some evidence that this does help. i googled stuff about researcher and psycadelics and read about all the people that psycadelics helped them for science . so i have some research that might helps me. i know that so far no one got hospitalized after using psycadelics in a supervised place. in 6 years the fda probably gonna accept mushroom for depression so it gonna be good enough to get rid of most the the critics of hurmful stuff. but i dont know if this is enough for getting money for reseach in uni? i know a research about mushroom helps with openess , about making more connection in the brain, evidence about ego death and stuf like that showed of some benefits for researchers. but i really not sure if it enough for uni... what the steps that i need to be sure for it? if not what plan b might be a good idea for materialzing this idea?

i know that i need to know this answers but some direction might help. you can ask me for more details about me if you need to.
guess that you will as about my age (22), my social-economical class higher middle class. and i am in uni doing psycology and philosophy (not dying in debt like in the usa).

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