
Most mindblowing insights you have ever had?

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I don't want to start a conspiracy theory, but today I was thinking about what plot twist or recontextualization of life would blow my mind, and this one now I can't get out of my head :

Leo had a ponytail all this time! 


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All jokes aside, the insight of " the back of my head existing only in my imagination"  while I was on 'shrooms did recontextualize my experience still until today.

Feel free to share your anecdotal mindblows as well. 

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Not the most deep but it made my self-inquiry much easier;

The mind as a "container" or a "thing" doesnt exist. Only thoughts and images appearing in awareness. There is no difference between outside and inside the head really. 

Oh another one! This one was huge for me; "I" have been observing "myself" my entire life. 

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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socializing is a form of survival

biden vs trump is a survival thing; the victors were celebrating in the streets

once society moves past that survival thing we can maybe excel more and produce masterpieces like da vinci again

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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21 minutes ago, mmKay said:

I don't want to start a conspiracy theory, but today I was thinking about what plot twist or recontextualization of life would blow my mind, and this one now I can't get out of my head :

Leo had a ponytail all this time! 


So Leo is really a Chinese man from the Qing Dynasty. 

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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"Possesion" doesn't exist. 

These shoes being mine is an idea, asigning imaginary boundries to reallity. 

Nothing actually changes if I say that my new Crocks© belong to you, besides implied behaviour between us if we socially agree that this or that belongs to one of us. 

It gets freaky when you realize that this would mean that "my hand" is not " mine" , because posession doesn't exist! 

And same goes for thoughts.

These thoughts, this inner voice, it is NOT mine! Because posession doesn't exist! 

This realization helped me to get some distance and de-identify myself from "my thoughts" 

All of this as seen from the absolute sense, relatively speaking and as a social construct, posession does exist.

Don't walk into a gas station and simply snatch yourself some honey-roasted peanuts, saying to the cashier " Mine, yours, whats the difference?  ?

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No insight is true, just more ego.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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1 hour ago, Rilles said:

"I" have been observing "myself" my entire life. 

Yeah, hahah, I had the same realization a few months ago when I was self-inquring while lying on my bed, this actually did hit me quite hard, I even made a post about it back then - I've been BAMBOOZLED by myself!

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13 minutes ago, meow_meow said:

Yeah, hahah, I had the same realization a few months ago when I was self-inquring while lying on my bed, this actually did hit me quite hard, I even made a post about it back then - I've been BAMBOOZLED by myself!

If I am watching myself then what the hell am I? xD Who is watching?

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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1) Completely realizing the distinction between direct experience and mental activities. I was mindblown by awakening to the conceptual overlay and the domination of concepts on our daily experience. 

2) That there is no such a thing called 'Life'. Only a type of form that fights dissolution of the form.

3) That conceptual context (or "meta-mind" activity) is the dictator of our field of experiences. Change the context that your mind was programmed to submerge your experience in, and see how everything changes. This will open your entire field of experience to new possibilities. In other words, context is the fabric of your mind-matrix distinctions. Changing the context or dropping it will either dissolve some of the mind-matrix, or open a doorway to new distinctions in experience.

Edited by Batman

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26 minutes ago, Batman said:

1) Completely realizing the distinction between direct experience and mental activities. I was mindblown by awakening to the conceptual overlay and the domination of concepts on our daily experience. 

This one is gold when grasped. 

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I'm literally creating everything.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@mmKay I feel like I could tell the difference but I didn't seem mind blown by it. It feels uncomfortable when I am in my head but when I just be its more comfortable. Since I didnt get mind blown by it then I suppose theres more to it? 

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It's pretty much what is refered to as " The gateless gate" .

If you realize things don't actually have names, and you manage to melt the imaginary boundries between objects, and melt the conceptual duality between subject and object, you enter this state of non-conceptual awareness aka samdhi  where you are one with all percepción. 

Watch video on "What is Actuallity"

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That my whole life has been something ive imagined,  and that what I am is totally nothing and empty

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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One time, I smoked DMT inside a lucid dream and then I asked myself,  "What is the dream world actually made of?" I remember picking up a basketball in my dream and asking "What is the actual substance of this basketball." It made sense that everything in the dream world, whether it’s a basketball, the ground, or my body, was made of the same substance, even though things appeared to be separate objects that were just as real as waking reality. Then, something clicked. I thought, "What if everything in waking reality is made of the same substance, just like in the dream world? And if that is the case, what might that substance be?" This allowed me to shift into holistic thinking with a deeper understanding of what my existential questions really mean.

Glory to God. Blessings to All. 

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