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Discussing Intuitions of All Kinds & Sheldrake

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Discussing intuitions of all kinds:

  • premonitions
  • dreams
  • telepathy
  • projections 
  • day-dreams
  • messages you receive in your subconscious
  • paranormal
  • other

For example, just this morning while doing the Wim Hof method I went through a rather ordinary imaginative experience where my consciousness was flung into hyper-speed from some dark place of the universe to another with my mind screaming (firstly not out loud haha just in the imaginative-awareness plane if that's a thing - otherwise I'm a dualist brain/mind sense if that's relevant - to me there's zero evidence for me to conclude otherwise to date, quite the contrary) the whole way. Not in a worried or scarred sense just in a where is this going thrilling sort of sense. This lasted for a few seconds or so. Ordinary because I've experienced all kinds of things and treat it as normal, first time I've experienced something like that during Wim Hof though, only just started picking it up again. Anyhow after it came to an end I heard the following message in my mind, "everything you need is inside your brain".

Messages are always very interesting, and they can happen for many reasons, the sheer fact that they happen it becomes important for the mind to make a personal investigation in relation to the meaning so that they can turn a pebble into a mountain, a passing sound into a song, a blade of grass into a jungle, to otherwise build referential landscapes so that one properly integrates and learn from the experience to let their mind, this amazing experiential phenomenon, know, to positively reinforce to it, that you're devoted to the path of understanding its depths and the myriad of ways it aims to share meaning with you.

Integration is a very important step as well I believe because one pattern I've noticed is the tendency for others to in turn develop too much of an external locus of control, but by instead seeking understanding to ones existential depths, they simultaneously teach themselves to ground their comprehension in an internal locus of control, thus achieving some useful balance.

Each of these need to be tackled differently, especially projections because they tend to be riddled with the most amount of integration one has to go through before properly aligning their ideas there with reality.

A theory I'm learning about at the moment is Morphic Resonance connected with Robert Sheldrake, so far I'm discovering that some of his ideas there align with my own original ideas about non-materialism, in particular as it relates to associating the patterns of the universe as habits more than laws, my own intuitions here being based on how viewing the universe from consciousness and the perception of patterns therein as the basis for seeing through the materialist paradigm, solidarity versus fluidity where the former is often what creates the perception of materialism for example is by chance rather than as a given.

I've only just begun studying his theory so there's still many ideas I have to get through, some speed bumps where I'm like "hmm okay" better inspect that but its interesting so far.

Sheldrake's theories may open up new investigative, theoretical and experiential space for all these intuitions hence my mention, the renunciation of the materialist paradigm for example is the opening to many other possibilities that although still need to be adequately sorted through, allow one to not necessarily see all these kinds of intuitions as a given, that perception wouldn't suffice for the paradigm, rather that they too may although reach greater inclusion in cultural discussion will also probably need to be viewed and can be viewed with an increasingly more accurate lens. For, once the materialist paradigm has been successfully overrun, this will renew interest in all these phenomena and from the outgrowth of making consciousness the monastery for investigating reality (not to be confused with solipsism) they will also undergo theoretical refinement, expansion and in doing so, understanding. 

Edited by Origins

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The truth is, that conciousness =experience =existence, awareness is shining on its own, everything is happening inside of it.

Awareness is existence itself, cause existence =conciousness, if you think about it, you only ever experience awareness that changes perceptions,  the brain is percetion and sensations and thoughts. 

But recognize this, awareness is empty and it is nothing, Yet it is everything.

There is nothing outside of it, we will never be able to proof that,  cause remember you are using thoughts and images in your mind.

But all that the mind really are, is awareness, for conciousness to experience something it needs objects, but how can awareness concieve of something outside of it self when it is experience itself?

It is the screen which characters appear and it identifies itself with this limited body and personality,  but awareness can be aware of it self, actually it is always aware of it self but it is just hidden behind all beliefs/thought patterns/perceptions, imagine that conciousness is the screen which holds the movie but after the movie stop awareness is still there in its formless state.

For awareness to experience something it needs objects, so it projects out from within it self and gives life to everything, awareness is already empty and nothing, it can't go anywhere and dissapear, cause something would have to experience that, so it is impossible,  deep sleep for example is awareness without objects, 

The brain is conciousness projected outward, conciousness can only experience conciousness.

You are that, you are the presence, and mind is a attribute that conciousness can limit it self down to, it is a blank slate but it exists, for anything to exist you need conciousness,  and here we are.

You can directly experience and by knowing that you are not this body, you are everything and nothing.

The brain is conciousness! There is nothing else! Conciousness comes first always, it is always the same, perceptions change but awareness remains the same all the time, that is what you are, you are the entire screen and the objects that it sees, everything is.


Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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