
My 'true' Self?

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I was doing some self inquiry yesterday and was thinking (not through my mind but through experience):

Who is aware of my breathing? I am breathing in and out irregularly and sometimes holding my breath so therefore i am not my breath.

And i became fully aware of everything in my body. Am i the awareness of my body? sometimes i am aware of my body and sometimes i am not, my awareness shifts from inside my body, to my external surroundings, to my thoughts. You are always aware, so you are 'awareness', but you are not anything you are aware of/observing.

But what about when i am asleep? At this point i literally fell asleep. When i am sleeping, i am not aware. I am still me, even though i am not conscious/aware of existence in deep sleep. So i cant be awareness. So if i am not awareness/consciousness, what am i? Thats when i think: i am nothingness, when im sleeping.

So now im thinking, is my journey in this life to get me to consciously feel as calm and unatttached as i am when i am asleep? Because when i sleep, i literally merge with reality without judgement and ego. 

Is this my true self? Your thoughts are appreciated xxxx

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27 minutes ago, WhatAmI said:

At this point i literally fell asleep. 

How can you be sure it was just "sleep". Could sleep be another level of consciousness. Outside of mind?

Edited by cetus56

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Yes, what are we if we are not aware when in deep sleep? Could we still be aware but with no memory formation as a souvenir?

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It's quite interesting how you see sleep as a state of detachment, which in ways it is, but you're still subconsciously observing and assessing life even if you don't remember dreaming. Your true self is always there, but it's a matter of actually understanding it. Actually, that understanding will be closer in reach upon consciously observing your unconscious tendencies and subconscious dream assessment during REM. Web those states of awareness together by actively analyzing them and configuring habits and dream symbolism. 

Like I said, true self is always there, but it's a matter of getting it. You get it partly by harmozing all those parts of your mind. Paradoxically, true self is no self, and really all matter and energy and consciousness is an interconnected whole. 

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16 hours ago, WhatAmI said:

And i became fully aware of everything in my body.

Everything? Including the interaction of the different organs that go to make up your body, the molecules that make up the organs, the trillion of processes that collectively make up this biological entity called you?

Can we ever be fully aware of everything and is that the enlightened state?


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@ishaq you don't 'need' to be fully aware of every single cell in the body. 

I meant that I was aware of my awareness. The subject of my awareness is not important. Don't become attached to the object/feeling/thought that you are being aware of - that's the trap :(

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On 9/4/2016 at 5:52 AM, WhatAmI said:

Because when i sleep, i literally merge with reality without judgement and ego. 

in some perspective yes, because when your deep asleep , you just dont give up the world, but you forget the world. But this is not enough, Leo said your True Self is very radically different, you should ask thousands of questions, hundreds of meditation retreats to have glimpse about Truth. Of course this is harsh job, but see by the debuting your life for this path, it's very worth working for because simply this "Truth"

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