King Merk

Meditation Hallucination

6 posts in this topic

For about the last 4 months I've been regularly seeing an eyeball during my meditations. It doesn't happen every time, typically about once per week. 

The first time it happened, it felt as if somebody had shot me through the eye. I felt this electric beam rush through me so intensely that it jolted me out of my meditation and caused my eyes to open widely. 

Since then I've grown more familiar with the eye and can calmly watch it as it randomly appears for anywhere from 10-15 seconds and then slowly fades away. It provokes an odd feeling in me. In fact, it feels almost as if it is my own eye and I'm looking back into myself. 

I'm curious if anybody else has had a similar experience and if y'all have any ideas as to what is going on? Is this "normal"? I've been meditating regularly and doing consciousness works for a few years now. Never before (while "sober") have I had any sorts of vivid hallucinations like this. 

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@seeking_brilliance Hypnagogia is the state in between slumber and wakefulness, correct? I'm quite certain I've experience hypnagogia before and the experience I'm speaking on is concistently different. 

 I am not drifting away into sleep when I see the eye. In fact, I am usually very awake and attentive. There is no "dreamy" essence to it. It is an extremely clear and sharp perception.

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Hypnagogia does not have to be while sleepy or drifting. It's actually completely possible to see this stuff while attentive. Image streaming strengthens this ability, to the point of even communicating with this eye if you wanted. It's just that hypnagogia is a word used for 'while falling asleep' and I don't know a word for the same phenomenon while not falling asleep. 

I wouldn't think of the eye as anything more than a dream character. Doesn't mean it doesn't have something to say.. 



Edited by seeking_brilliance

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@seeking_brilliance Interesting. Thank you for the reply. I don't know anything about "image streaming". Do you have any advice or resources on how to do this? I'd definitely like to be able to explore this eye phenomenon in more depth. 

The game of survival cannot be won. 

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