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Forced Diversity

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I'm curious to what people's opinions are to Forced Diversity in the media, I have a nuanced opinion about it's legitimacy and effectiveness.

Do you think it will have a positive impact or just looks silly?


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Positive for sure. 

My family grew up around only white people so they are kinda awkward about other races. 

I grew up watching tv with all kinds of people so now  I don't see them as others. 

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“Forced diversity” - you mean representation?

Representation is extremely important if you want an inclusive society. Lack of representation can lead to groups of people to be invisible and isolated. It’s important that when we think of our country, or a profession, we don’t just think of a certain race, gender or religion. Before we started talking about representation, women and minorities, like blacks, were represented in very stereotypical ways, which lead to feelings of being pigeonholed to behave in a certain way.

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@Akemrelax Yeah I think representation is a great thing, for the reasons you and @Opo stated.

I was just concerned about it being forced, maybe it might look overkill and effect the cause negatively. 

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Yeah i think there is to much forced diversity of straight people for thousands of years. It's time for gay diversity now. Just for balance...

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There was a time when blacks weren't allowed to go to the same school that whites went to. You could say it was forced racism. 

Even if society agreed to it at the time, it paved the way to civil rights and ultimately freedom. 

The reality is that nothing good will ever be a forced good, it will eventually happen one way or another. The question regarding its relevance will become irrelevant in another 50 - 100 years. 


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People who are opposed to racial quotas, diversity standards, and representation are at worst bigoted, and at best just stuck on a Stage Orange obsession with efficiency and productivity.

Picking the 3rd or 5th best candidate for a job because of the unique perspective and image they bring might be an net positive even if they aren't technically the most qualified. Doesn't mean they still can't do a great job, it just might not be perfect.

It's a trade off, like everything else. It could be a more overall benefit to society to have it's different groups broadly represented in businesses, organizations, and the community, at the sacrifice of some financial surplus.

It's becoming increasingly more important in a world that's getting connected and as cultures and races mix deeper. We simply can't afford not to do it if we have any hope of sustaining the social fabric.



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We have to define what counts and what doesn't count as "Forced Diversity" before we start throwing that term around. Sometimes reactionaries just label the existence of minority groups in media as 'Forced Diversity'.

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5 hours ago, ravlondon said:

I'm curious to what people's opinions are to Forced Diversity in the media, I have a nuanced opinion about it's legitimacy and effectiveness.

Do you think it will have a positive impact or just looks silly?


   What do you mean by forced diversity in the media? I'll offer some definition from a conservative's perspective on what forced diversity could mean.

   To me, 'forced' means that a situation or things are non-consensual, sometimes done physically, and sometimes an unfolding event in the external world forces people to either adapt or suffer more. We are forced, to some degree, to work with what we have left available to work on, and sometimes options are limited. Another definition of forced:

   'Diversity' means there are different things situations, objects, people, and many more, and even taking one thing, is still diverse if you include degrees of this one thing. Even as a conservative, I come from the UK Great Britain culture, and some other conservative is in Norway, or in the USA, or in Russia or China. or Canada, even Mexico. This diversity in conservativism is interesting, which means that from what culture you are brought up in, styles what political position you have.  Another definition of diversity: means understanding that each,political b , and .

   Some questions for clarity:

    If there are different types of forced diversity, because of diversity, then which forced diversity are you referring to?

    What legitimacy and effectiveness does forcing different groups to, what?

    Why are you asking if anyone thinks forced diversity could have a positive impact, or if it's silly? 

   If forced diversity has a positive impact, then what does this mean for liberty and individual rights, freedom of speech and so forth?

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7 hours ago, ravlondon said:

I'm curious to what people's opinions are to Forced Diversity in the media, I have a nuanced opinion about it's legitimacy and effectiveness.

Do you think it will have a positive impact or just looks silly?


It depends on the situation.

What is "forced" today might seem common knowledge as society matures. That's the nature of resistance.

But there's also virtue signaling and empty gestures that are often made. These are obviously not ideal either.

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This is a difficult situation and requires nuance. Sadly, both sides of politics are somewhat insane on the issue.

When I was young, it was very popular to use the word 'gay' as a synonym for 'inferior'. Obviously this was not right, and whatever process brought about change towards our more tolerant modern society was a good one. And there's still progress to be made to avoid situations where minorities (or majorities in the case of women) are held back from fulfilling their potential due to systemic blockages.

But the issue plaguing the left is a total loss of sense and reason around the issue of diversity. Angry mobs taking offense on behalf of disabled people, people of colour, etc., without bothering to consult those people about what the issues that they actually face are. Good contributors like Al Franken destroyed over past examples of inappropriate humour. Attacks on anyone who is insufficiently pure or fails to use the latest 'woke' language. Loud-mouthed virtue signaling that would disgust any reasonable person.

People who voted for Trump out of objection to this leftist garbage have a legitimate grievance. Why would anyone vote for a party obsessed with trans people, but uninterested in the working-class majority?


Edited by No Self

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It all depends on how it is "forced".

Obviously the "force" has to be subtle and soft, not a literal quota to hit simply for sake of diversity. And the diverse people have to be well-qualified.

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I think it is more about where they are represented and working on making everyone part of society as whole, without nonstop pushing them in your face as different, if you have not noticed segregation, division is main cause of conflict in everything, people that live together without dividing them self in groups  of color for example  are doing fine. 

But frankly it seems inevitable, people like to form groups, be it politics, culture, or anything,, they will always  find their enemy , different groups to attack.

It is very deep matter, how do you fix problem that is such huge part of what makes us human, sure we can make certain groups that have hard time to be less demonized, but it does not change human nature. 

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1 hour ago, Claymoree said:

But frankly it seems inevitable, people like to form groups, be it politics, culture, or anything,, they will always  find their enemy , different groups to attack.

Consciousness is the key. And a minimum of introspective intelligence.

Leftists are supposedly trying to evolve society to a point where equality reigns, but end up creating their own self-righteous tribe attacking average people until they turn conservative out of backlash. If the actual goal were a utopia of justice, surely they would focus on using strategies that actually work and have some persuasive value. Whiny bullying naturally turns people against the cause via reverse psychology, and is motivated by a desire to feel a self-congratulatory moral superiority at the expense of legitimately progressing the social justice cause. It is an attempt to express anger at others without owning one's own lack of consciousness.

(Interestingly, this same argument was made decades ago in the Unabomber's manifesto. Amazing that there's still been introspection.)

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1 hour ago, No Self said:

Leftists are supposedly trying to evolve society to a point where equality reigns, but end up creating their own self-righteous tribe attacking average people until they turn conservative out of backlash. 

Few videos don't represent the left. 

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6 minutes ago, Opo said:

Few videos don't represent the left. 

What you said earlier about awkwardness around other races is something that still holds true in rural regions. Many people do not interact with people of other races, and this is the biggest cause of racism. Diversity in media may help by giving young people an assortment of role models, though this has been done for many decades now and it hasn't exactly stamped out all racism.

Worse, trying to push this agenda far beyond what is natural has become a sickness. Republicans vote against their own interests because they support policies that benefit the billionaire class. Yet the identity politics of the Democrats is almost as bad. Hence the near 50/50 split. There is no party representing the good of all.

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1 hour ago, No Self said:

Worse, trying to push this agenda far beyond what is natural has become a sickness. 

What I saw I could compare to a few videos of a racist people for an example last one said that police should have kneeled on George Floyd's neck for longer than 8-9 min. 

That's obviously unhealthy right same as a group of people screaming at the people in the restaurant to say something is unhealthy left. 

I separate those people from the "normal" left or right. 

Were you referring to this or something more systemic? 

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4 hours ago, Opo said:

Were you referring to this or something more systemic? 

People like to play a game of being ridiculously biased to their team. Such people don't have anything to offer except inducing outrage inspired by their Facebook feed.

The MAGA guy is saying that crime is bad, therefore it's fine for the police officer to commit a crime by murdering someone. 

There are unhealthy extremes on both sides as you say, but the larger party has to 'own' the actions of the extremists. And it is important to avoid enabling the sicknesses in either 'team' which will scare people over to the alternative side.

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