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Level 10,000 Enlightenment = Materialization/teleportation?

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Like 99.9% of most people, the rational part of me says "hell no, man - you can't teleport things". And like whatever % of most people, there is the other part of me that says, "well, there's plenty about the world and reality that I do not know". This is the angle I come from. Also I'm going off a past Leo video where he talks about levels of enlightenment and that there's level 10,000 or 100,000 (I could be misquoting exactly what he said):

My question is, if there are possible levels of 10,000 or 100,000 of enlightenment yet most people are at 1, 2 or 3.. then does 100,000 mean something like teleportation? I stumbled onto this youtube video this morning which got me thinking about the above: 


One angle to this is: I suppose no one knows if it's possible until you get there. But then when you get so far, no one believes you. And then if I follow this line of thinking, then Scientology's concept of OT makes more sense, that it's their wording/approach/model of something similar.

And another angle to this: After listening through only the first 15 minutes of Leo's latest Youtube upload "The 64 Most Fascinating Questions A Human Can Ask" that makes the Paramahamsa Nithyananda easier to digest...




Edited by hedge

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Cool stuff. I know a friend who is at level 100,231 of enlightenment. She can punch her hand through rock. It's pretty impressive! I'm so envious. And thus, my life is incomplete until I reach that level.

I've gotta work extra hard at my rock punching skills, or else I won't be happy. I also must be absolutely certain of my immortality. That's why I believe in scientology. I also believe in angels, loving vibrational frequencies, Freudian psychology, teleportation, curing constipation through hypnosis, and spontaneous combustion as a possible pathway to enlightenment.

What would I do without these beliefs!? I'd have to admit, "This is it, and I know nothing." And that's so...anti-climactic! Ugh! Anyway, enjoy working towards teleportation. Cheers!

Edited by jjer94

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—Arthur Janov

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Stalker ^^^Surely if you believe in enlightenment and are pursuing it your mind is open to the possibility of some supernatural stuff.. Don't be a sheep and blindly follow someone that you think is there to help you.. Do lots of homework come to your own conclusions.. I'm not going to say anything that already hasn't been said somewhere on the web already so I'm not to concerned but there's a reason Leo avoids talking about astral projection and lucid dreams.. One things for certain is you'll learn more watching YouTube than following this forum.. I'd suggest looking into astral projection.. That's what a lot of these guru's do.. There's other ways to view someone via meditation ive experienced myself but there's more influence that can be done using astral projection.. (I could explain in depth my stalker experiences and how they do it but it won't matter by the end of the day when this post is forgotten) I haven't figured everything out yet but for sure thinking of or speaking about some of these people opens a connection between you.. What all that can be done I haven't experienced yet.. There's lots of secrets.. The realest mother fucker on this forum is right here.. 

Teal Swan has a lot of good videos, Kelli in the Raw has a couple good ones on how to see spirits with a good explanation of how to do it (kinda like a kundalini meditation), and I've found this gentleman to have some of the best explanation of astral projection.. He even talks about stalkers in one video and going into people's homes.. 

2nd you don't need a Guru, especially a online Guru.. (search the definition of a guru) a guru is basically like a priest except you look at him like he's the god the protector of your soul/spirit.. Learn to astral project yourself and be your own god as Leo says god is nothing.. Look out for your own spirit..  Don't idolize anyone living, don't give them your power.. I've learned and figured all this out on my own and I will step into the darkness on my own as sadhguru said in one of his videos like charlie2dogs said he did.. because I will never trust and put my life in some wanna be guru's hands.. 

Edited by Mikey

It's better to burn out than fade away

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These things do inspire me to work on my life purpose with the focus on the nothingness / everythingness  (transient morality). Then, I can't think of a better mission in life than to align the life purpose with world peace. Is it possible that these things trigger these kinds of experiences with a combo of meditation / contemplation / self-inquiry? Time to find out. ;)


So awesome...


Edited by Key Elements

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@hedge I recommend you watch Lucy.

It's a documentary about an English teachers journey to level 100,000. You can do waaay more than teleport, you can even teach surgery and learn Chinese.



13 hours ago, jjer94 said:

I've gotta work extra hard at my rock punching skills, or else I won't be happy.

Can't go wrong with this technique.

Remember: You have to COMMIT bro.

I don't recommend granite until you're at about 90K, but you're a grown ass man and you can make your own decisions.


Edited by Marc Schinkel

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Would explain every "supernatural" phenomenons. If "we" are everything, that also mean we can be everything.

If we can be eveything, that also mean we can experience reality as we see fit, like a "god" ...

That could explain why Jesus could turn water into wine, why some people can couch on spikes, why some people can talk to others with their mind/to "dead" people, and every other things that can't be explained (at least for now).

For a very long time I thought all this was non-sense, but If you really think about it, why not ? You're not just this body/mind, you're the molecules of everything, you're the thoughts of everyone, you're alive, everywhere, anytime, and for all eternity (as in the past present and future).



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Edited by Mikey

It's better to burn out than fade away

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Yes, when you reach Enlightenment. You will become God, so you will be able to move things with your mind, make things appear and disappear and you will be able also to control people to do whatever you want. 

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Edited by Mikey

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33 minutes ago, Capethaz said:

Yes, when you reach Enlightenment. You will become God, so you will be able to move things with your mind, make things appear and disappear and you will be able also to control people to do whatever you want. 


Just no.:S

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@kurt your wrong 

6 minutes ago, kurt said:


Just no.:S


It's better to burn out than fade away

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2 minutes ago, Mikey said:

@kurt your wrong 


Of course9_9 Were all wrong, thats the problem.  

I'll pass thanks lol

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Edited by Mikey

It's better to burn out than fade away

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9 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Good because I know you don't know what you're talking about.. You're what they call a parrot


On 9/4/2016 at 8:15 PM, jjer94 said:

Cool stuff. I know a friend who is at level 100,231 of enlightenment. She can punch her hand through rock. It's pretty impressive! I'm so envious. And thus, my life is incomplete until I reach that level.

I've gotta work extra hard at my rock punching skills, or else I won't be happy. I also must be absolutely certain of my immortality. That's why I believe in scientology. I also believe in angels, loving vibrational frequencies, Freudian psychology, teleportation, curing constipation through hypnosis, and spontaneous combustion as a possible pathway to enlightenment.

What would I do without these beliefs!? I'd have to admit, "This is it, and I know nothing." And that's so...anti-climactic! Ugh! Anyway, enjoy working towards teleportation. Cheers!

Hahahaha!  Excellent!

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17 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Good because I know you don't know what you're talking about.. You're what they call a parrot

Exactly :P That's all this path is, learning teachings and doing meditation.  I'm here assimilating what I heard and parroting it so it goes into my subconscious.  

That is how people have always become enlightened.


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Edited by Mikey

It's better to burn out than fade away

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Just now, Mikey said:

@kurt  ?

That's right buddy I have stalkers like you wouldn't believe..

If they were as helpful as they are comedians or said nice things instead of saying mean stuff about me id be a different person towards this community.. 

Where is the mean stuff people are saying about you? (I'm not criticizing you, just asking)

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Edited by Mikey

It's better to burn out than fade away

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