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How do you explain these phenomenons?

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1 - deja vu. You are talking to someone and all the sudden you're like "I swear I saw this before.. This person is going to do this now.." and sure enough he does it lol .  What is this lol?

2-synchronicity. I'm thinking about buying this awesome car. I dream about it. I think about it all day. And all the sudden you find everyone driving that car! Wherever you go everyone has that car. Is the universe watching you or something? Playing with you? 

3-dreams. Talking about night time dreams. We can talk about it as opposed to "real life" although you can say that real life is just another dream. But forget that for a moment lol. Seriously. What the actual fuck is that lol? You lay your head on the pillow.. You fall asleep.. And then you find yourself inside an entire universe.. And it looks as real as this one. Just your thoughts can materialize a physical realm of objects and people etc. Wtf??  And why can't we dream while awake? Why can't my thoughts materialize objects without needing to fall asleep first?  Anyone knows what's going on here? Lol

Any spiritual or materialistic explanations for these phenomenons? 

Edited by Someone here

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15 minutes ago, Someone here said:

1 - deja vu. You are talking to someone and all the sudden you're like "I swear I saw this before.. This person is going to do this now.." and sure enough he does it lol .  What is this lol?

2-synchronicity. I'm thinking about buying this awesome car. I dream about it. I think about it all day. And all the sudden you find everyone driving that car! Wherever you go everyone has that car. Is the universe watching you or something? Playing with you? 

3-dreams. Talking about night time dreams. We can talk about it as opposed to "real life" although you can say that real life is just another dream. But forget that for a moment lol. Seriously. What the actual fuck is that lol? You lay your head on the pillow.. You fall asleep.. And then you find yourself inside an entire universe.. And it looks as real as this one. Just your thoughts can materialize a physical realm of objects and people etc. Wtf??  And why can't we dream while awake? Why can't my thoughts materialize objects without needing to fall asleep first?  Anyone knows what's going on here? Lol

Any spiritual or materialistic explanations for these phenomenons? 

1. time doesn’t exist that’s why you have deja vu 

2.i would not consider this real synchronicity that’s more of just you start becoming aware of something cuz it’s on your mind(So u start manifesting it more). Real synchronicities are fucking crazy when they happen And are much more than just that. 
3. dreams are fucking crazy and you can materialize it during the day you just usually pop out of it usually not remembering that you were somewhere else for a sec. I pop in and out of say dreams all the time. 

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29 minutes ago, Mvrs said:

time doesn’t exist that’s why you have deja vu. 

Care to elaborate?. This is too general for it to be useful or explanatory. 


29 minutes ago, Mvrs said:

would not consider this real synchronicity that’s more of just you start becoming aware of something cuz it’s on your mind(So u start manifesting it more). Real synchronicities are fucking crazy when they happen And are much more than just that. 

Yeah they are crazy indeed. Any explanation? Lol 


29 minutes ago, Mvrs said:

dreams are fucking crazy and you can materialize it during the day you just usually pop out of it usually not remembering that you were somewhere else for a sec. I pop in and out of say dreams all the time. 

No I'm not talking about day dreaming. I mean when you fall asleep and you completely snap out of this world and enter another  realm made of your imagination. How is that even possible? Lol and if it is possible.. Why can't we use the power of our imagination to materialize what we want while awake?  I mean this is clearly a capacity that our minds have.. Imagine if we could unlock the secret of this capacity.. We can literally materialize objects just by thinking about it.. Cool stuff eh? 

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my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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I have some crazy syncronicities but not sure what could be the explanation. Either the mind is so powerful that it literally manifests things into reality and others pick your thoughts... another explanation is that your higher Self/God has chosen things to be this way so that you will reach your destin(y)ation.

"Why can't my thoughts materialize objects without needing to fall asleep first?"

An explanation would be that you're asleep now and you're materializing objects unconsciously. For me, the next step in evolution is to materialize reality consciously. Now it's all over the place, a total mess.

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Cause this is reality, not lucid reality, thats why we dream, but we are dreaming all the time just at different levels, this is like base reality somehow and dreaming is a reflection of that but in the dreams you can be GOD.

I think that there is a reason dreaming and sleeping is generally a pleasent experience, I think it shows us how reality is getting made but by whom? Something must hold a limit on this base reality, but why? 

Just a idea that ran through my head ?

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- Pseudo-dionysius 

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Why can't we use the power of our imagination to materialize what we want while awake? 

You can't create at a higher level than your current state of consciousness.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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1 hour ago, Member said:

 explanation would be that you're asleep now and you're materializing objects unconsciously. For me, the next step in evolution is to materialize reality consciously. Now it's all over the place, a total mess.

Interesting. Might be! 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

Why can't we use the power of our imagination to materialize what we want while awake?

You could say that's already happening, you're just identified as someone who isn't doing that.

Appreciating / having gratitude for deja vu, synchronicities, and little miracles and patterns is a gateway to higher consciousness.

Edited by The0Self

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My take, take it as you will:

1. Deja Vu. Memories are deja vu. It's the feeling of "I've had this memory before". To recognise anything, you need memory. All memory is deja vu. Every time you see your mother, it's deja vu - if it wasn't, you wouldn't recognise her.

2. Synchronicity. Existence runs on synchronicity. This is because everything is really connected to everything else. But most of the time you don't notice. Cause and effect is synchronicty. When synchronicty happens without cause and effect, you take notice. But it's actually the default mode of reality. Note that awareness has to be aware of synchronicity for it to be noticed. Awareness is the source of synchronicity.

3. Dreams. We're dreaming all the time, even when awake. There's always an undercurrent of unreality to everything. Unexplainable things also happen when you're awake, but you explain them away with logic and reason. And most of us are lost in daydreams about the past and future and hallucinating talking to ourselves or others. It's quite normal.

57% paranoid

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2 minutes ago, LastThursday said:

2. Synchronicity. Existence runs on synchronicity. This is because everything is really connected to everything else. But most of the time you don't notice. Cause and effect is synchronicty. When synchronicty happens without cause and effect, you take notice. But it's actually the default mode of reality. Note that awareness has to be aware of synchronicity for it to be noticed. Awareness is the source of synchronicity.


The apparent dualistic existence is a layered integrated whole with unlimited synchronicities to be noticed. This is a skill that can be developed with gratitude, focused intent, and mindfulness.

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3 hours ago, Someone here said:

Care to elaborate?. This is too general for it to be useful or explanatory. 


Yeah they are crazy indeed. Any explanation? Lol 


No I'm not talking about day dreaming. I mean when you fall asleep and you completely snap out of this world and enter another  realm made of your imagination. How is that even possible? Lol and if it is possible.. Why can't we use the power of our imagination to materialize what we want while awake?  I mean this is clearly a capacity that our minds have.. Imagine if we could unlock the secret of this capacity.. We can literally materialize objects just by thinking about it.. Cool stuff eh? 

Everything happened all at once in a single moment . You are pretending time is a thing. Everything is now. That’s the only reason you have access to memory without a brain. 
Dreams are crazy because infinity means every possibility . This reality is in place to trick u that things like logical laws actually exist so you don’t go crazy. But infinity means all possibilities that includes infinite realities where dreaming isn’t a thing and seems absurd . You ask how a dream can just materialize and how is this possible? But how is rn I’m waking life possible? You soon realize it’s not. Also all how’s are apart of creation the creator comes before how . There are also an infinite amount of realities u can materialize things rn . If u had the full power to do that thought you wouldn’t be able to pretend your not god and also some people would start to fuck other ppl up. Imagine if your life was garrys mod, that would fucking suck . People would be shooting ducks out there ass on fire at u and turning into trash cans and running around and shit that wouldn’t be a good reality. So be happy with this reality. Also you do in a sense have the power to materialize anything you want. I can just type whatever I want in here making it reality fro nothing . I can imagine I wanna go to Italy then go on internet and book a trip and since time doesn’t exist rn at the same exact moment I will be in Italy . I do this all the time when I run into bad situations. I just time jump to another now. Ik that sounds crazy but others might be able to do this too when u see the illusion of time and the constant now 

btw your in luck u actaully did birth yourself into the reality where you get to materialize things at will . You just have to wait a few years for Augmented reality tech to catch up. And VR Ta Dah! Don’t think that’s not your mind and imagination. You just needed to figure out a way to keep yourself sane and truck yourself into not thinking your god 



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1. I believe Deja Vu is in fact stored up memories, usually a memory of a dream. You re-enact a lot of daily things in your dreams and you will often do those things in real life as well, and then remember that memory of doing it in a dream and think "wait, didn't I do this before?" Thing is, dream memories can be very vague and get stored in your subconscious, so when you do something similar you might not even realize it was from a dream and think "woah I swear I've done this before" because it feels so familiar. But, it doesn't necessarily have to be from a dream. So, in conclusion, I think it's a memory you had from before which predicted the future.

2. Synchronicity is a great reminder that you are in the mind of God right now. It's like a message from the Universe to wake you up. People call it "coincidence" or 'chance" but those words do not invalidate it at all. Probability and coincidence is just the vehicle/mechanism the universe uses to bring its synchronicities to you. It reminds me of how people use the word "placebo" to invalidate certain affects. Like, placebo is literally you healing yourself through the power of your imagination. That's magic right there. If your house burned down in a dream, you would be questioning what it means, not saying "oh it was just probability". << See how foolish it is to do that?

3. Yeah dreams are pretty crazy. It's a testament to the capabilities of consciousness. There are a lot of mind-bending things like that we take for granted. Dreams are just another unique sensation of consciousness, the same as thoughts, sound, sight, etc. I mean, think about what sound is. It's completely invisible and intangible, yet it can be experienced. How crazy is that? You wouldn't be able to explain that to anyone, they would have to experience it to know it.


Describe a thought.

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20 hours ago, LastThursday said:

My take, take it as you will:

1. Deja Vu. Memories are deja vu. It's the feeling of "I've had this memory before". To recognise anything, you need memory. All memory is deja vu. Every time you see your mother, it's deja vu - if it wasn't, you wouldn't recognise her.

Yeah in a sense. But what is the difference between ordinary memories and deja vu? Deja vu is a special thing. It doesn't happen often. And you clearly know when it happens. 

2. Synchronicity. Existence runs on synchronicity. This is because everything is really connected to everything else. But most of the time you don't notice. Cause and effect is synchronicty. When synchronicty happens without cause and effect, you take notice. But it's actually the default mode of reality. Note that awareness has to be aware of synchronicity for it to be noticed. Awareness is the source of synchronicity.

Well people talk about synchronicity when there is no clear causal chain. For example when you think about a certain word too often.. You start hearing it everywhere! And there shouldn't be a cause and effect relationship between this and that. 

3. Dreams. We're dreaming all the time, even when awake. There's always an undercurrent of unreality to everything. Unexplainable things also happen when you're awake, but you explain them away with logic and reason. And most of us are lost in daydreams about the past and future and hallucinating talking to ourselves or others. It's quite normal.

I agree. But my question was more about the mechanics of dreams. How does it actually happen? I think dreams are a clear glitch in the matrix and they hint against materialism. If there is only one physical reality and it's material .. How is it that your mind materializes physical objects when in fact you are just laying on your bed? Where is the dream occurring? How does it happen? Etc 


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17 hours ago, Osaid said:

1. I believe Deja Vu is in fact stored up memories, usually a memory of a dream. You re-enact a lot of daily things in your dreams and you will often do those things in real life as well, and then remember that memory of doing it in a dream and think "wait, didn't I do this before?" Thing is, dream memories can be very vague and get stored in your subconscious, so when you do something similar you might not even realize it was from a dream and think "woah I swear I've done this before" because it feels so familiar. But, it doesn't necessarily have to be from a dream. So, in conclusion, I think it's a memory you had from before which predicted the future.

Pretty freaky. A memory of the future? What does that even mean? Lol 

2. Synchronicity is a great reminder that you are in the mind of God right now. It's like a message from the Universe to wake you up. People call it "coincidence" or 'chance" but those words do not invalidate it at all. Probability and coincidence is just the vehicle/mechanism the universe uses to bring its synchronicities to you. It reminds me of how people use the word "placebo" to invalidate certain affects. Like, placebo is literally you healing yourself through the power of your imagination. That's magic right there. If your house burned down in a dream, you would be questioning what it means, not saying "oh it was just probability". << See how foolish it is to do that?

So it's just God playing with you? Lol

3. Yeah dreams are pretty crazy. It's a testament to the capabilities of consciousness. There are a lot of mind-bending things like that we take for granted. Dreams are just another unique sensation of consciousness, the same as thoughts, sound, sight, etc. I mean, think about what sound is. It's completely invisible and intangible, yet it can be experienced. How crazy is that? You wouldn't be able to explain that to anyone, they would have to experience it to know it.

Yeah lol. But no one has an explanation for dreams? Scientists think it's something the brain does. But why can't the brain hallucinate stuff while awake? Is it because you are already hallucinating the waking world and you need to shut it off first to switch? Lol


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I think that dreams shows how reality gets made somehow, imagine deep sleep, it is actually conciousness "real state" and creation arises in it, there is no one to change those states, it seamless changes into the dream state, so conciousness is creative but its true state is pure peace and within in, it contains infinite possibilites and fullness. 

Still trying to figure out how creation in the waking world happens.

But where ever conciousness is, there is nature and world wether when sleeping or waking state.

How can something exist without conciousness?

It is not possible, even if it where we would never know.

When I have done psychedelics ive recognized that there is levels to conciousness and the higher you go the more power it has, like infinite imagination.

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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1. Confusion, which is ultimately delusion.

2. Delusion, which is ultimately not-knowing.

3. Thought experiments grounded in this current thought experiment.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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8 hours ago, Adamq8 said:

I think that dreams shows how reality gets made somehow, imagine deep sleep, it is actually conciousness "real state" and creation arises in it, there is no one to change those states, it seamless changes into the dream state, so conciousness is creative but its true state is pure peace and within in, it contains infinite possibilites and fullness. 

Interesting. I think you are right although from a third person perspective deep sleep and dreams seem to happen within the waking world. 

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2 hours ago, Gesundheit said:

1. Confusion, which is ultimately delusion.

2. Delusion, which is ultimately not-knowing.

3. Thought experiments grounded in this current thought experiment.

I don't think so. 

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@Someone here

1. I've proven that deja vu is confusion through direct experience. I don't experience any of them anymore because I'm too aware to be confused. The brain is capable of confusing stuff and if you're not aware enough you won't be able to distinguish between confusion and certainty.

2. Your commentary on synchronicity is more compatible with classical confirmation bias. But synchronicity in general is delusion, i.e. mind connecting events, which are usually unrelated at all in common sense. If you want to deconstruct common sense, you can. But that won't make synchronicity any less delusional.

3. I don't think you've read what I said carefully enough.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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