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from chaos into self

Meaning is not a belief?

3 posts in this topic

I’m listening to the news. Not by choice but because my roommates have the tv on. And I’m thinking, are the words belief? And I say no, it is meaning, a name. The words are a name for a meaning. It’s tricky because belief is there too, but meaning is prior to belief. The name is a pointer, and understanding what is said is just a name. It’s not belief to understand what’s said. And that’s weird. You’d think it would be belief. And there is belief there. If I name a rock rock I also believe the rock is there. But the name is not belief, it’s a pointer. Meaning behind the name is not belief.

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Actually, no. When you're on the road travelling from one city to another, you can see pointers and signs which like you said are names of the cities. But when you're on the road, you're not in the city (ultimate destination) yet. Hence, the city is a belief.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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5 hours ago, from chaos into self said:

I’m listening to the news. Not by choice but because my roommates have the tv on. And I’m thinking, are the words belief? And I say no, it is meaning, a name. The words are a name for a meaning. It’s tricky because belief is there too, but meaning is prior to belief. The name is a pointer, and understanding what is said is just a name. It’s not belief to understand what’s said. And that’s weird. You’d think it would be belief. And there is belief there. If I name a rock rock I also believe the rock is there. But the name is not belief, it’s a pointer. Meaning behind the name is not belief.

There is no such thing as meaning . Everything has 0 meaning behind it which gives you the ability of o give it infinity of meanings. That’s the beauty of the design . When difference doesn’t exist all is meaningless. Meaning comes from duality and ego. Doesn’t mean it’s not real just it isn’t a set in stone thing . It’s what you make it. 

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