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What The Fuck Should I Do?:)

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Hi, i'm a 20 year old guy from Sweden. My life in the past years has been a mess. I recently graduaded "high school" or "gymnasiet" which  it's called in Sweden, different system, but whatever. I graduaded with very bad grades, due lack of motivation and ADD, wich kind of goes hand in hand, especially when we are talking school. since my early days it was harder for me to get good grades, I studied like hell, sometimes, but still got an E or a D. I got my diagnos when I was 18 and finally got some understanding of myself and why things has been harder for me. 

To the point, I have no idea what I should do with my life. should I raise my grades? should I work in a 9-17 job till I know what I wanna do? 

When I watch Leo's videos I often get the feeling on how fucking of track I must be in life and how underdeveloped I am. I've starded a daily meditation habit, but I always feel like i meditate wrong, btw I do the strong determination sitting. 

It would be awsome with some sort of guidance especially by @Leo Gura , and yes I know your purpose course exist :P

Thanks :)


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@Anlib I've lived in Skåne for more than 8 years. I remember how difficult "gymnasieskolan" was. I consider myself lucky to have travelled here in England to finish my studies. Don't be ashamed of not getting the grades. Scandinavia's educational system is pure madness. :S

When it comes to whether you should start working or remain in school depends on you. Firstly, are you emotionally prepared for retaking the year? Secondly, what will you do differently to get the grades? Otherwise, consider getting a job.

Ha en trevlig dag! ;)


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Don't freak out if you feel behind in personal development work. Realize that Leo has been doing this for years and years, so it's natural that you feel behind. You're not. At 20 I never even heard of any of these kind of ideas.

The best advice I can give you is follow your intution. Resist the urge for everything to "logically make sense", the universe is very crafty about how it puts us in the situations we need even if we don't know it cause our human perspective is so limited.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Learning a trade is a great investment and awesome career path. I encourage you to try different trade jobs and or observe them so that you can find something you enjoy. If that isn't your thing, then you may need to go school to acquire the necessary accolades to pursue a career outside of trade skills. I also recommend to just sit in on a class, as weird as it may seem, to understand how being in that environment makes you feel now. If it feels bad, then it's not for the best to partake in it.

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@Anlib Hi Anlib, Do you know I am 30 and I still feel like that sometimes.

Although I have found my purpose and love what I do, it has taken me pretty much all of my 20s to work out what I really wanted to do with my life. 

What do you love doing? Where do you waste most of your time? Is it at the gym? drawing? etc. 

Perhaps try a few things out that interest you to see what you enjoy doing. 

I can help you with developing better study habits if this is something you would like, I have experience working with a lot of high school students with exam preparation and studying. 

I have been in and out of jobs through my 20's trying different things in different fields and I believe sooner or later you will know when you have found something that makes you so passionate you couldn't picture doing anything else (that is how I feel with my job as a life coach). 

Hope this helped a bit.

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I:I seriously resonate with you. I have ADD bad too, I recommend you go back to school and get the help you need to learn the best. It may cost a lot of money and be scary as hell, but I assure you it is possible to get good grades in college. In high school, I got a grade point average of 3.75 GPA and my first year of college I received at 3.5 GPA, but I received the help and accommodations I needed. I learned a lot because of how radically persistent I was. Fuck what society says about how we are "disabled". We are just wired differently and that is an advantage in some profound ways, in fact we have some crazy advantages that I have just recently discovered. Serously, you can do it!!!! I am not fucking with you. 

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Our special power is radical open mindedness which gives us an extraordinary ability to innovate and we have the ability to hyper focus when we have a deep passion for something, it is absolutely beautiful and by hyper focusing we understand our interest to highest levels. Don't disregard this power, I have proven it in my life, it's extraordinary. This can also be proven from this video

Also, it is proven in this video 

  I have won over 20 thousand dollars in scholarships for my first year of college due to it and have been able to play golf at a professional level due to it. Who knows what will happen next with this hyper focus. However, the down side is your brain shuts on and off when it feels like it on subjects that are tedious, but non the less, achievement is very possible. 

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Hi Anlib,

I'm in my 20's as well and all i can tell you is everyone who gets low grades in school passes through this phase.

Remember that life is a game and don't take anything seriously.we don't control anything in life so chill out and try to learn from everything that you encounter in life.

Listen to your heart whether its says to work or retake the course.(if a thought disturbs you for more than a week that is coming from your heart so give it sometime and see what it says)

Don't feel that you are stuck in life. Its also a situation you are put in to better yourself so learn from it as well because nothing is permanent and this to shall pass.

There are many 10-day Vipassana meditation course retreats in sweden.It is the oldest meditation technique in the world which was taught by gautama the Buddha

Edited by saichandra3

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