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How come matter can register other matter?

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Don’t over look how significant this is. This only works cause you are that. That’s the only reason you can perceive anything and interact with it. 

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If I think I am tracking what you are asking is like this:


this is how the old model in science goes, but it has lots of flaws. 

using the materialistic paradigm everything is made up of atoms and molecules and photons ect. so if a photon hits my eye then it is converted to an electrical signal in the brain.   

an eye is made out of atoms.

therefore, and atom hits another atom and then is sent to the brain which is made out of atoms. so then the question becomes. How do invisible atoms hitting other invisible atoms become light or color in our mind?

 a materialist would say "well the brain creates the image"

but how? 

"well... the pathways in the brain"

but how does it do that

"there are billions of neurons"

why do billions of neurons together make the color blue?

"because that area of the brain is the part which does that"


"science doesn't know yet... BUT IT WILL KNOW SOON!!!!"


the brain without a doubt is highly correlated the content of consciousness. poke this part of the brain, you see colors. but the question that still intrigues me is from a non-dual point of view why is the brain needed at all?  


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1 hour ago, Jay Ray said:

If I think I am tracking what you are asking is like this:


this is how the old model in science goes, but it has lots of flaws. 

using the materialistic paradigm everything is made up of atoms and molecules and photons ect. so if a photon hits my eye then it is converted to an electrical signal in the brain.   

an eye is made out of atoms.

therefore, and atom hits another atom and then is sent to the brain which is made out of atoms. so then the question becomes. How do invisible atoms hitting other invisible atoms become light or color in our mind?

 a materialist would say "well the brain creates the image"

but how? 

"well... the pathways in the brain"

but how does it do that

"there are billions of neurons"

why do billions of neurons together make the color blue?

"because that area of the brain is the part which does that"


"science doesn't know yet... BUT IT WILL KNOW SOON!!!!"


the brain without a doubt is highly correlated the content of consciousness. poke this part of the brain, you see colors. but the question that still intrigues me is from a non-dual point of view why is the brain needed at all?  


The brain is a concept you hold to make you think your real. And so stories involving brains can take place. In a dream you might have a brain and if you hit it your colors would be effected or something this is still all just a dream and not real though. There’s no actual brain generating your experience the brain is just a part of the experience. That’s what I’m pointing too, the only reason you can register everything without a brain and without atoms and all this junk is because you are that. It’s all your mind . Your apart of the dream you are the dream and nothing more 

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Bro it's all an imagination within consciousness, a dream. Atoms don't register anything, the universe experiences itself though atoms and matter. Consciousness identifies itself through form and thus experiencing happens. There was a spiritual master that said every particle is conscious to some extent. Let that sink in.

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@Mvrs yes you are always only interacting with Yourself due to Oneness.  It is entanglement and Leo discusses it in his latest video series.



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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