
While We Are Asleep

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I have a question that has been kind of bugging me:

Is the true self aware while the body is asleep? What exactly happens when we sleep? (I'm not talking about dreaming.) The body is turned off and consciousness remains aware? 


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Good Video! I must admit, I too wasn't certain of what happens to consciousness during sleep. Rupert's explanations make a lot of sense, especially the view that the traditional model, which holds physical matter to be the most real, and consciousness the most unreal with the mind straddling the two is actually back to front. In his model, consciousness is the most real state (as experienced during deep sleep), and the physical world being a mental construct within the fabric of the mind.  

The reason why we don't remember stuff from the deep sleep state is that the mind is completely absent from that experience, and thus not capable of retaining memories from state. 


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You simply fall into sleep as if it is a sort of absence. It is not – it has its own presence. Sleep is not only negation of waking. Sleep is not like darkness, absence of light, no. Sleep has its own positivity. It exists, and it exists as much as your waking time. Sleep is not just rest from waking, it is a different kind of activity, hence dreams.

When you fall into sleep, the mind that was functioning the whole day is tired, exhausted. It is a very tiny mind, one-tenth compared to the unconscious, which is nine times bigger and greater and powerful. Compared to the unconscious, the conscious is very small. It gets tired, it needs rest to be recharged. The conscious goes off; tremendous activity starts in sleep, which is dreaming.

Because mind has been trained to be identified with the conscious, so you think that you are no more in sleep. That’s why sleep looks just like a small death.

The moment your conscious mind goes off, that faint awareness disappears like a small ripple. It has no energy; it is very, very faint, just a flicker, just a zero-voltage phenomenon. You have to bring more energy to it, so much energy that when the conscious mind goes off, awareness continues on its own – and you fall asleep with awareness. This can happen if you do other activities with awareness – walking, eating, sleeping, taking your bath.

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  On 9/6/2016 at 6:43 AM, Prabhaker said:


You simply fall into sleep as if it is a sort of absence. It is not – it has its own presence. Sleep is not only negation of waking. Sleep is not like darkness, absence of light, no. Sleep has its own positivity. It exists, and it exists as much as your waking time. Sleep is not just rest from waking, it is a different kind of activity, hence dreams.

When you fall into sleep, the mind that was functioning the whole day is tired, exhausted. It is a very tiny mind, one-tenth compared to the unconscious, which is nine times bigger and greater and powerful. Compared to the unconscious, the conscious is very small. It gets tired, it needs rest to be recharged. The conscious goes off; tremendous activity starts in sleep, which is dreaming.

Because mind has been trained to be identified with the conscious, so you think that you are no more in sleep. That’s why sleep looks just like a small death.

The moment your conscious mind goes off, that faint awareness disappears like a small ripple. It has no energy; it is very, very faint, just a flicker, just a zero-voltage phenomenon. You have to bring more energy to it, so much energy that when the conscious mind goes off, awareness continues on its own – and you fall asleep with awareness. This can happen if you do other activities with awareness – walking, eating, sleeping, taking your bath.

Experiencing deep sleep while being aware has been achieved, but you need to be masterful meditator.

What is more up for grabs however is falling asleep concously and experiencing hypnogogia (state between wakefulness and sleeping) ive had great visions during that, but you also need to be in that state of mind when you remember dreams and can recall them with huge detail the day after. Its definitely fun.

Ive gotten worse at it, and i blame the fact that inow live with my gf and not alone :D

Edited by Dodoster

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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