
Is it possible to erase the concept of eyes

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Would it be possible for me to become so awake I could expand my vision 360 around me all the time? I don’t see why not . It might make u feel sick tbh tho  but if u can imagine that u don’t have sickness ever at that point. I’ve gotten pretty good at controlling physical feeling by just  saying it’s not real and it goes away . 

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It is possible. The Buddha described four dhyanas, or stages of awareness. Others like John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, Meister Eckhart, Augustine, and Patanjali have experienced the same mystical journey.

The final stage is deadly quiet, like floating aimlessly in deep space. Maybe people that have tried psychedelics understand this to a degree, I can't say. The Buddha realized it through unflinching, one-pointed meditation.


Our everyday life, the Buddha is suggesting, is lived within an eggshell. We have no more idea of what life is really like than a chicken has before it hatches. Excitement and depression, fortune and misfortune, pleasure and pain, are storms in a tiny, private, shell-bound realm which we take to be the whole of existence.

Yet we can break out of this shell and enter a new world. For a moment the Buddha draws aside the curtain of space and time and tells us what it is like to see into another dimension. When I read these words I remember listening to the far-off voice of Neil Armstrong that evening in 1969, telling us what it felt like to stand on the moon and look up at the earth floating in a sea of stars. The Buddha's voice reaches us from no distance at all, yet from a place much more remote. He is at the center of consciousness, beyond the thinking apparatus itself. As in some science fiction story, he has slipped through a kind of black hole into a parallel universe and returned to tell the rest of us what lies outside the boundaries of the mind. (Eknath Easwaran)

Edited by Moksha

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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You would witness what it is, as in, how you create what is being called me & my vision, by being ‘outside of’ what is referred to as ‘reality’. 




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