
There is No Distance

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I had a pretty cool realisation lately that has kind of stuck with me, although it’s more conceptual now.

My realisation was that there is no distance in reality. If you stand and look in front of you far ahead, outside for example looking at cars, then if you do not move then there is no distance. The car seems smaller in your perception but that does not mean automatically that there is a distance. It’s rather just a smaller version of the car. It’s almost as if you can feel how your mind automatically wanna tell you that the distance is there. Pay attention to it and don’t trust it.

I mean... there is nothing between you and the object you look at. And if you use  another object in front or behind for comparison then that object just becomes a part of the field of visual perception. It might be smaller or bigger, and the resistance of the mind (top down processing) will want to claim that ”the other object is supposed to be bigger/smaller and therefore there is a distance” but you can deny that thought too.

So what does this realisation contribute to on my path for now? Don’t know...:)




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@QandC That was a huge foot-in-the-door realization for me. No-distance hints at an incredible house of cards that can collapse at any moment :)

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9 minutes ago, The0Self said:

@QandC That was a huge foot-in-the-door realization for me. No-distance hints at an incredible house of cards that can collapse at any moment :)

House of cards? :o 

Now I’m just scared lol!

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@QandC Nothing special about it necessarily. Just indescribable. It's what's already happening.

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38 minutes ago, QandC said:

And if you use  another object in front or behind for comparison

You just just debunked yourself. What front or behind if there is no distance? ;)

Don't overthink it. Obviously there is distance. 

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YOOOOOO WTFFFF BRUH THIS WEEK HAD BEEN FULL OF SYNCHRONICITIES I LITERALLY JUST LOGGED ON TO POST THIS AND IT WAS THE FIRST POST ALREADY. ALL DAY I BEEN HAVING SHIT HAPPEN: Earlier thinking about Kabbalah I look up in target and a magazine of Jesus is looking at me that says “who do you say I am” and then next to it a magazine about secret societies. Bruhhhhhh im trolling myself sooo hard I looove it. But yess distance is not real all places are the same place. This is why on psychs roads can become suuuuuuuper long and take forever to drive down. 

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8 minutes ago, Someone here said:

You just just debunked yourself. What front or behind if there is no distance? ;)

Don't overthink it. Obviously there is distance. 

No it was just explaining what would go on in our mind normally. "Front" or "Behind" are just words for bigger or smaller

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mind always wants to tell you something automatically, it is built to work on previous experience and build probable, wanted experience on it.


Edited by Claymoree

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I wonder if it would still feel like no distance if someone told you to now run after the car and catch it?

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24 minutes ago, Someone here said:

You just just debunked yourself. What front or behind if there is no distance? ;)

Don't overthink it. Obviously there is distance. 

Is there really any distance in your dream? Or are all dreams faking distance 

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6 minutes ago, Mvrs said:

Is there really any distance in your dream? Or are all dreams faking distance 


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17 minutes ago, VeganAwake said:

I wonder if it would still feel like no distance if someone told you to now run after the car and catch it?

When I was in motion there was a change in perception but there was still no distance. How can there be a distance if there was no "me" to compare with the distance? My visual perception was just a screen along with all the other sensations, and that was me. Imagine it like a TV-screen. You see distance on the screen (whatever you're watching), but you know there is no actual distance right? ;)

Like a 3D-photo

Edited by QandC

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43 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Don't overthink it. Obviously there is distance. 

OP is explaining that distance is a relative concept. It is not Absolutely True. Obviously. 

Nice insight! One technique you could use to deepen this understanding is during walking meditation, become aware of how you aren’t moving. You’re remaining completely stationary despite the augmentations of perception moment by moment that give rise to the feeling of moving through space.

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I think this may be too advanced a concept for this forum..  But yeah, you're right.  From our perspective, there is no distance by default as only that which you experience exists.  If you can't see the air then it doesn't exist, it's only the "logic" of the process that needs to exist.  

That said, you CAN see distance if you just change the distance at which your eyes focus.  I can see halfway between me and the wall or 90% to the wall or 10% to the wall, etc.

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46 minutes ago, QandC said:

No it was just explaining what would go on in our mind normally. "Front" or "Behind" are just words for bigger or smaller

Let's say there is no distance from front and behind.. Fine let's give you that.  Now deal with horizontal distance. Vertical distance might me illusion.but  I can see horizontal distance clearly. 

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@Someone here Actually horizontal distance is also an illusion because on the screen of perception it's all connected. 

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@nitramadas In that case it's just a perceptual focus, like an interposition, or a relative size (aka. depth cues) and not an actual distance

Edited by QandC

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34 minutes ago, nitramadas said:

I think this may be too advanced a concept for this forum.. 

Are there more advanced forums? :ph34r: My PMs are open

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5 minutes ago, QandC said:

@nitramadas In that case it's just a perceptual focus, like an interposition, or a relative size and not an actual distance

Sounds like semantics.  It's pretty simple: You get the data you ask for.  That's it.  You get distance if you need it, otherwise you don't.  

You say "actual distance" but there is no such "actual" reference point anywhere.  It's not that it exists or not, you just get whatever you need.  It both does and doesn't exist from out POV, but objectively speaking it's a bit more complicated.  Objectively, distance exists in the way that it does in video games.  If you're following the rules of the video game reality, then yes, distance objectively exists within that game for you, the experiencer of that reality.  See, it's all dependent on the observer.  If you want to experience reality is ANY way, then you'll have to adhere to some of its rules.  So, really, it doesn't exist.  But you'll have to make it exist in some form.  Aaaaaaaaaand I've gone too abstract..

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10 minutes ago, nitramadas said:

Sounds like semantics.  It's pretty simple: You get the data you ask for.  That's it.  You get distance if you need it, otherwise you don't.  

You say "actual distance" but there is no such "actual" reference point anywhere.  It's not that it exists or not, you just get whatever you need.  It both does and doesn't exist from out POV, but objectively speaking it's a bit more complicated.  Objectively, distance exists in the way that it does in video games.  If you're following the rules of the video game reality, then yes, distance objectively exists within that game for you, the experiencer of that reality.  See, it's all dependent on the observer.  If you want to experience reality is ANY way, then you'll have to adhere to some of its rules.  So, really, it doesn't exist.  But you'll have to make it exist in some form.  Aaaaaaaaaand I've gone too abstract..

I see, I see

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