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Did you start noticing a lot of synchronicities after starting with spirituality?

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Did you also start noticing a lot of synchronicities after starting with spirituality?

THEY JUST KEEP HAPPENING VERY OFTEN NOW! Kinda spooky. Here are three examples that happened in the span of two days:

- I was in my room studying calculus and then I got stuck on a problem. I got so frustrated and thought to myself WHY THE FUCK WOULD I LEARN THIS SHIT? And literally the second after having that thought, my parents were watching a movie in the living room, I heard someone in the movie say “math is sexy”! LIKE CMON, U CANT MAKE THIS SHIT UP? What are the fucking chances that someone will say “MatH iS sExY” the exact moment I ask “why the fuck would I learn math”!! Like one in a billion?

- I was studying outside one day, and then I put on some electronic music to listen to while studying (for concentration lol). Then I looked up from my laptop and I saw 3 birds fly up from the ground onto a wall in PER-FECT synchronicity, they flew up and landed perfectly at the same time. And they did it at the perfect beat of the song I was listening to, too.

- I have this friend who I hadn’t talked to in forever. He is gay. I was reading something about homophobia. Then for the first time in many many weeks I thought of this friend of mine. I prayed that he find comfort in his heart if he ever suffers some kind of homophobia. Then I thought “uno what? I’mma send him a text message, ask him whats up”. I only talk to him on Instagram. And I had deleted Instagram. So I downloaded Instagram again just to text him. And guess the fuck what? He beat me to it. He had texted me an hour ago!! After many many weeks we just so fucking happened to text the same day?? Like cmon, is this just random and I’m making a big deal out of it or this shit the intelligence of the universe or whatever??

This shit happens a lot when I’m paying attention. When I’m alert and not too much in my head.

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To me it happens days/weeks after lsd trips. Some funny synchronizities I had: two of my colleges talk about LSD suddenly (they made just some jokes and don't know that I take these substances myself). They never talked about drugs before. Why do they talk about it AFTER I took first time LSD?? What a coincidence


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I was thinking about sincronicities today, had a doubt in my mind.

I had this, almost catch phrase that is "i don't believe in destiny, cause it's not about the ending, but i do believe this universe has a sense of humor".

But as i thought about infinity, and the idea that to stand an eternity we have to experience everything, wich means, every decision that could be made is going to be made, and that for each thing i did there is a whole "universe" in wich i didn't do it, i realised that the idea of the universe having anything that could be thought as sort of a sense of humor must be false. For in infinity anything that connects the dots happens and doesn't happen, so the synchronicities don't happen because there is a connection, they do because it's fucking infinity so they had to happen now or in another universe that is exactly like this one except for that thing.

But now as i write this, i'm thinking to myself that there must also be a universe similar to this but where synchronicites are kinda of a rule, so who knows wich one is this one...

anyway, food for thought.

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