
The new Mac computer chip is a powerful metaphor for systems thinking!

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Apple today just announced new Macs that rethink how personal computers will be made. Unification is at the core; the entire system is on one chip! I couldn't help but think of the Actualized conscious politics episode while reading through this.

Do you think we'll have a society soon that can run like this?


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I've yet to read up on the M1 but it seems like some traditional aspects of mobile phones design (system-on-a-chip, hybrid big/little cores) are trickling up to larger devices. Similar things are happening with Intel, though is still in its infancy.

Not sure exactly how it would serve as a societal metaphor, though. I've not seen the episode you refer to.

Another metaphor is the human body itself, which has a few dozen trillion cells which are both individual yet collectively forming a macroscopic organism. From this perspective, a lot of society today can better be likened to an autoimmune disease. This happens when some cells attack others and the entire organism suffers.

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15 hours ago, JayySur said:

Unification is at the core; the entire system is on one chip! I

Unification also means a single point of failure.

Now if you RAM Memory fails, you need a new M1 chip. 

This is good for business, bad for end-users. 

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