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from chaos into self

Why is reality consistent?

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If everything is consciousness, shouldn’t it be like dreaming? When dreaming, everything is random and things have different meanings from real life. Dreams are inconsistent and backwards. If reality is consciousness, shouldn’t it be random like dreams? Why is it consistent?

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No they aren't.

They only are "inconsistent" and "backwards" when you wake up.

When you dream, it make perfect sense :)


Why is it so consistent, I can only assume, but I would guess it's because you REALLY wanted to get lost in this one xD

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Why would you assume this?

Conciousness is obviously consistent and inconsistent and everything in between

If you stay really present you might get "dreamlike" feeling, atleast thats what i get.

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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This life we are living is obviously consistent. If it wasn't consistent then you would become insane. One moment you would see your mother standing there and the other moment she would turn into a giraffe. But God wants to experience a consistent sane life here. Im pretty sure there is a world out there with many inconsistencies.

By the way, with psychedelics you can break this consistency.

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1 hour ago, Adamq8 said:

Why would you assume this?

Conciousness is obviously consistent and inconsistent and everything in between

If you stay really present you might get "dreamlike" feeling, atleast thats what i get.

this is true , and this seems consistent so you think your real and can function and Play out the story you need to without being a crazy person. This is the greatest gift you have given yourself is this illusion of consistency. However when you start to become fully awakened . Consistency isn’t the same anymore. It’s always rn , times constantly jumping. You start to realize your own memories from the day aren’t even real and some things that happen throughout the day that seem crazy you just forget about. You can bring up these repression’s in hypnogonic dream state. You actually see some fucking crazy dream like shit everyday you just forget . Like entities and shit . Crazy shit I promise u. 

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Dreaming is just another layer into reality in which your consciousness to go. The reality you look up to is a layer above or more.  

 You have been gifted the Golden Kappa~! 


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It is not consistent.

Look how many forms change shape and colour constantly.

But there is a thing that is constant. Try to see what that is.

Fear is just a thought

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The universe is consistent, it is governed by mathematical laws and observing life it would be said that for God it is not an easy job to create it, millions of lifeless planets, the miraculous creation of carbon, bacteria, it seems that nothing else comes from there a few  thousands million years, little by little some more complex beings, based on evolution the thing is getting interesting, some mass extinction involved, millions of symbiotic viruses with DNA, in the end a being aware of himself and the universe much work! More than a labor of love, it seems the work of a team of engineers who avidly seek ... something

Edited by Breakingthewall

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Consciousness = infinite = perfectly consistent = perfectly inconsistent.

Consistency is Consciousness imbued in every form.

Inconsistency is the infinite variety of Conscious manifestations.

Edited by Moksha

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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The first television was invented only 94 years ago, look where we are now. 

Edited by Mafortu
ate a word

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