
How to deal with people who have a simplistic world view?

15 posts in this topic

It seems like the masses have a very simplistic world view and that makes it very dangerous.

This is wrong this is right. I'm right/left.

This is evil, this is good.

Now simplicity in itself is not a bad thing, living a simple life etc.

But it seems like this type of thinking is perfect for conflict, can be easily used/misused by populists, media, the army, religions, extremists etc.

How can we get away from that and how do you deal with people who're stuck in such a type of thinking?

Do you try to talk to them on their level of simplicity or do you try to explain to them the nuances of subjects etc.

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I think you're describing the issue too vaguely, an example would be better to understand what you're exactly trying to come at? 

Nuances in what sense? 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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6 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

I think you're describing the issue too vaguely, an example would be better to understand what you're exactly trying to come at? 

Nuances in what sense? 

Yea i stated it very generally because it's basically about everything.

Even a statement like "the sky is blue" isn't really true.

But it can get very dangerous with things like politics, religion etc.

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Just now, PurpleTree said:

Yea i stated it very generally because it's basically about everything.

Even a statement like "the sky is blue" isn't really true.

But it can get very dangerous with things like politics, religion etc.

Be a bit clear. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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14 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

It seems like the masses have a very simplistic world view and that makes it very dangerous.

This is wrong this is right. I'm right/left.

This is evil, this is good.

Now simplicity in itself is not a bad thing, living a simple life etc.

But it seems like this type of thinking is perfect for conflict, can be easily used/misused by populists, media, the army, religions, extremists etc.

How can we get away from that and how do you deal with people who're stuck in such a type of thinking?

Do you try to talk to them on their level of simplicity or do you try to explain to them the nuances of subjects etc.

Start a Youtube channel or something where you talk about openmindedness, relativity, nuance and systems thinking. ;) 

You cant force people to change but you can be the one extra person that shares higher consiciousness ideas with the rest of the world. It will multiply. Dont underestimate your ability to impact.

But also realize that the world is developing, sometimes slowly, people have to learn at their own pace, the ego is a stubborn mule.  

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Become a Spiral Wizard.

Read the SD book.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Love them, I'm not saying it flippantly, but imagine they were kids who had a confused view. The best thing you can do is meet them at their level, try understand them and love them. Most of the times debates and arguing just doesn't work. If you look at say jesus, according to the stories anyway, he was just trying to spread love and bevan example of it, he wasn't debating anyone, all the politicians over the years have never had as much impact as those that just want to spread genuine love. 

A great example I've seen is of Gary Vaynerchuk in a recent insta post of his, basically he voted for Biden but of course he has many followers that vote for trump. He replied to each comment on his post and I think how he dealt with it is a great example of how to deal with the kind of people you're talking about - https://www.instagram.com/p/CHTqmO2Mdes/?igshid=n14qmlnw43sn

I truly believe the more people react like this the less conflict you'll probably see. I'm not saying Gary vee is perfect either but I just like the way he dealt with this 

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1 hour ago, PurpleTree said:

How can we get away from that and how do you deal with people who're stuck in such a type of thinking?

Do you try to talk to them on their level of simplicity or do you try to explain to them the nuances of subjects etc.

No, I've definitely stopped trying to "fix" people. Most people seem not too interested in nuances. 

I have a lot of green in my family and around me. What they generally lack , and what comes with yellow, is the ability to do comparative analysis, so nuances are not useful. 



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What I would do is acknowledge their skewed viewpoints; I do not think there is necessarily something wrong with them but I do agree that knowing the nuances on a subject is very important.

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6 hours ago, PurpleTree said:

It seems like the masses have a very simplistic world view and that makes it very dangerous.

This is wrong this is right. I'm right/left.

This is evil, this is good.

Now simplicity in itself is not a bad thing, living a simple life etc.

But it seems like this type of thinking is perfect for conflict, can be easily used/misused by populists, media, the army, religions, extremists etc.

How can we get away from that and how do you deal with people who're stuck in such a type of thinking?

Do you try to talk to them on their level of simplicity or do you try to explain to them the nuances of subjects etc.

They look and seem simple-minded. There are a lot of complexities and nuances they're unconscious of. You want to be paying attention to what they're missing. This can give you some very important information on how you can wake them up to what they're missing and how you could lead them into the next step of their evolution.

This is something to do for years. If you can pull this off though, you will be on the leading edge of conscious people on the planet.

"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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You have to try and speak their language. The Qur'an had to describe heaven as something similar to "72 virgins" to get it into their heads lol.

Edited by Osaid

Describe a thought.

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Children are small and fragile. How do you deal with them?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Why do you care that much about other people? 

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17 minutes ago, Fadl said:

Why do you care that much about other people? 

Why are you constantly posting negative posts?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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It is impossible to change these type of people. I think the best step would be simply to observe the same thing in ourselves.

For example if you recognize Republican or Democrat views up to a point that you absolutely don't want the candidate on the other side to win, then basically you have a biased worldview as well. Well this means basically all of us have a relatively simplistic world view, and I think we can try to take a step back by not trying to enforce others to agree with the candidate of our choice (in this example). We can try to be neutral, try to see both sides as one, and try to see how one candidate getting elected "benefits" the country from both perspectives. After all, any idea of one candidate being better is ultimately just a selfish idea. So if we can implement this type of mindset, anyone would approaches you would see how you can put yourself in their shoes and be comfortable with either outcome. That should help enlighten them to be open-minded.

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