
Replacing side dish carbs with vegetables and fruits

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I was wondering about adding more fruits and vegetables into my diet, and then I thought:

"Why not just replace rice, pasta, potatoes, bread etc. with vegetables and fruits". Im of course speaking of unprocessed fruits, so only raw fruits and vegetables and no juice.

There is so much more nutrients in fruits and vegetables when you compare them to side dish carbs like rice, pasta, potatoes and bread. Fruits and vegetables also have lower glycemic index, meaning the carbs are absorbed slower, meaning that your blood sugar level is more stable when you eat an apple compared to white rice.

Apples, tomatoes, bananas etc. are also much more palatable eaten alone compared to side dish carbs. Its easier to eat the amount of apples you feel like after eating main dish, like a steak, while eating plain rice that has been in the fridge for 3 hours tastes bland. So you tend to eat all of the rice with your main meal to make the rice palatable. Compare it to a banana, would you enjoy a fresh banana right now? I would.

The only negative I can think of is that fruits contain high levels of sugar, 40-55% of it being fructose sugar. Does anyone know if this would be a deal breaker, or should I focus on finding fruits and veggies with as low fructose levels as possible? Whats your opinion on the idea overall?

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I think carbs have a horrible and undeserved reputation. This is because a lot of people (and uneducated "experts") link them to the word sugar. 

Yes, there is a tremendous value of adding more vegetables to your dish. Up to 50% of every plate should be veggies in fact (or fruits with breakfast)

On the top of those veggies I'd still add a proper source of carbohydrates with some energy as vegetables have very little calories and will leave you hungry. This source should be with low glycemic load (forget about glycemic index, it is useless ). Glycemic load is the only true marker of how a portion of carbohydrates impact your insulin & blood sugar levels. 

So instead of "simple carbohydrates" which are highly absorbable highly processed ones (white pasta, white potatoes, white rice, white bread, sweets, cereals etc) use "complex carbohydrates". These are high-fibre starchy foods that digest slower, have a higher content of nutrients and offer value beyond just calories. These are legumes, whole grains, sweet potatoes, whole grain bakery products, whole grain pasta etc. 

Btw regarding fruit, there is no reason to be afraid of it although don't necessarily have to eat 10 bananas in a row. If anyone ever tells you that fruit is bad for your health, run away with fingers in your ears yelling as loud as possible. They have no idea what they are talking about and your health is not their priority. 

Hope that helps :)

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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45 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

If anyone ever tells you that fruit is bad for your health, run away with fingers in your ears yelling as loud as possible.

Smells like dogma :ph34r: (joking).

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Hey, thanks for the answer!

I dont really fear carbs per se. I was just wondering, do we really need carb sources like rice and potatoes. Everywhere you hear about empty calories while everyone touts how much more nutrients an apple has compared to say, rice. I actually only use whole grain rice atm, just tastes the best in my opinion :)

Yeah, its probably best to just eat less rice, say 50% less carbs from rice and to replace those carbs with apples, bananas, broccoli etc. Balancing the habits instead of going overboard with the opposite.

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3 hours ago, Hansu said:

I dont really fear carbs per se.

I wasn't suggesting you do ;) 

3 hours ago, Hansu said:

was just wondering, do we really need carb sources like rice and potatoes

You don't need carbs to survive, at least not a lot....but your body prefers them as a source of energy. So if you can get them from high-quality sources I mentioned, the better. Just try swapping your white rice for brown rice and see if that one thing changes your energy levels. I bet it does. 

@Superfluo then it is a dogma I am proud to hold :P 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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