
Shroom Trip Prep Questions / & now 'report' ??

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1 hour ago, Moksha said:

After the disidentification, did you have any thoughts, memories, emotions? If so, who was thinking, remembering, feeling?

There were and are thoughts, memories and emotions, the body-mind has them.

They seem to just flow effortlessly. "I" do sometimes get caught up in them, specially when it's something that triggers a strong emotional reaction. When that happens the result is acting them out like any ordinary person would, and that can take as long as it takes to remember it's just part of the play. When the remembering that it's just a play comes though, the thoughts just let themselves go, no need to identify and then let go.

Sometimes the thoughts go like this "someone said something i don't like and i should, oops, it isn't i who is having the thought's (at the oops the first sentece let's itself go) oooops it isn't I either who cares about who is thinking what (by this point the second and third sentence let's themselves go). And here the mind starts feeling funny and the body starts laughing.

Edited by Lews Therin

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Very frequently though "i" don't get caught up, and everything just seems to pass through the mind as the reflection of clouds on a lake.

Weed tends to make "me" get caught up a lot, one of the reasons i started smoking less with time.

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24 minutes ago, Lews Therin said:

There were and are thoughts, memories and emotions, the body-mind has them.

Thanks for sharing your experience. From my understanding of ultimate Consciousness, it is beyond what most of us can comprehend. Literally, there are no thoughts, memories, or emotions. You become universal Consciousness itself, free from all perspectives. At least, that is how The Buddha describes it.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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I can't say what was the buddha's experience, but i always thought "becoming universal consciouness" was regarding identification, and that the thoughts and memories continued. At least in my mind that makes much more sense as the thoughts and all steem from the body and it makes no sense to have a body that doesn't have thoughts (that seems like the description of a lobotomy).

Think of it this way, you body is a ship, the thoughts are the ship's radar, they point to things you need to be aware in order to survive among people and nature, memories and emotions are other similar functions of the ship.

So ultimate consciouness would be to realise there is no real distinction between the ship and the sea, and therefore that the ship doesn't need to survive (wich is why after you disidentify with the ego, the idea of death stops being something that suffering, as if you are not just the ship there is no problem with it sinking).

That said, the ship's functions, the radar, sonar and etc... continue to work normally, in fact they somewhat function even better cause the anxiety of life goes away (think that the captain doesn't need to check the radar 2 or 3 times to be sure of what it is showing).

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@Lews Therin Yes, what you describe is what most of us experience when we wake up. There is still a ship, you just directly realize the lively connection between the ship and everything else. It is beautiful and transformative, but perhaps not the highest stage of consciousness.

Ultimate consciousness seems to be more than that. The realization is so complete, that there is no ship or ocean. There is just everything and nothing.

This is what I imagine it is like when we physically die. There is only universal consciousness, completely free of any sense of personality. Most of us don't come back from that. Some, like The Buddha and Jesus, do for the purpose of showing us the way.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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@Moksha Oh, i see what you mean.

Isn't that Paranirvana? or the "state" you "achieve" (or return to) when your body dies?

I presume it's something quite inevitable, and about wich there isn't anything that can be done about it while living.

Best we can do is enjoy the way as we move forward to that, it will come when it comes, for now, let's enjoy our respective body-minds.

Edited by Lews Therin

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@Lews Therin It is the fourth and final dhyana, the ultimate realization of the sublime state of Consciousness. Most of us do not realize it in this life. The separate personality is lost. The Buddha returned from it, wearing a shadow shroud that clothed him in humanity, but it was so thin that his radiance transfigured him. Siddhartha dissolved in the fourth dhyana, and The Buddha arose from it.

It wasn't until 45 years later that he entered Parinirvana. Mara, the evil one, who had tried to tempt him from enlightenment 45 years ago, returned to him. 

You have accomplished what you set out to do, Mara said. Give up this life and enter Parinirvana [complete Nirvana] now.

Do not trouble yourself, Evil One, the Buddha replied. In three months I will pass away and enter Nirvana.

Then The Buddha, clearly and mindfully, renounced his will to live on. Three months later, he called his monks to him and spoke with them. His final words:

All compounded things are subject to decay. Strive with diligence.

Serenely, he passed into Parinirvana.

Edited by Moksha

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Yeah, i have to admit i don't know anything about that.

To me, frankly, it SOUNDS like buddhist mythology, but i recognize i might as wel just have not gotten to a point of understanding where that makes sense.

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@Lews Therin Ultimate truth is best realized through stories, parables, and myths :) The Tao cannot be named, only directly experienced. Given that limitation, these are the best pointers we as humans can create, outside of nature itself.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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