
Shroom Trip Prep Questions / & now 'report' ??

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Planning on feeling the magicshroomies soon, first time.

Micro level dose. 0.5-1gram.

Instead of googling various sources online, just asking you crazy lot here.


Some things that come to mind.

Do i eat before? Or fast? 

And during/after.

What's good during it? Music? Or Natural sounds. I'm Gonna be outdoors.


Also. I'm in an area where I'll be able to walk from woods/park/near mall, but will have driven there. I have the whole day to myself. So like 7-8 hours to kill. It should be safe to drive by the end of the day yes?


Shrooms name: penis envy

My past experience: only Mary Jane. Seasoned user.


Thanks for any input/tips/suggestions.




Edited by SoonHei

Love Is The Answer

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Congrats! I hope you have an amazing time. 

25 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

just asking you crazy lot here.


26 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

Do i eat before? Or fast? 

And during/after.

You can eat before, however it is recommended to fast for a stronger experience. 

I would recommend bringing some fruit to snack on as you will probably get a little hungry. That and water. 

during the experience I tend to like just natural sounds. This one is highly subjective tho. 

28 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

I'm Gonna be outdoors.

props :)

29 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

So like 7-8 hours to kill. It should be safe to drive by the end of the day yes?

That's quite a long time. I think you should be more then fine to drive. I of course do not know what you will experience, however for .5-1 g you should be more then fine. 

Enjoy yourself. 

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I recommend eating something, but not anything heavy and not too much, also you better have an interval of at least two hours before eating the shrooms after having your meal.

Usually i like to listen to nature way more than music while tripping, but you could try both (if you decide to try both, beware you could very well turn on music and end up forgetting it, hahaha)

Also, if you are going to listen to music, i suggest something instrumental, if there is someone singing, they are in a way selling you their ideology, wich could distract you from listening to your "inner guru".

Another thing, 1g is nice, practically impossible to have a bad trip, 0.5 has it's merit, but i would start with 1g

Alan Watts used to say psychedelics are like a medicine, you start with X dose and with time you lower it, that way you bring your insightfull, higher self closer and closer to your normal self. (of course you can up and lower the dose as you wish, for fun or for insights, but generally the idea is that with each time you need less shrooms or lsd to attain satori)

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I'm about to take some mushrooms as well tomorrow. I'll be doing 2g liberty caps. :) 

I usually fast about 4-5 hours before trips, try and make it a big healthy meal with lots of protein and healthy fats. 

Definitely have some fruits. One of my favorite moments ever was when I bit into a lemon and lime during an LSD trip, kiwi and watermelon also tasted heavenly. I try and keep a Powerade or a Gatorade to the side as well, it depends if your body can handle those types of drinks. For me, it's like fuel. So definitely try and have a variety of fruits. 

Music can be good for the come-up as it can get a little wild sometimes. But once I'm deep into the trip, silence is always the preferred choice. I suggest to go with the flow and don't think about which one to choose too much. 

You should probably be able to drive after 8 hours, you'll know when you feel able to. 


Edited by fridjonk

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Don't eat at least 4 hours before.

Have some Fruit or Vegetables ready.

Mushrooms will last for about 4 hours and yeah after 7-8 hours you should be able to drive.

Mixing it with weed will enhance the effects alot so be careful but if you feel it go for it it's awesome to mix these two substances.

Music kind of depends what you like.. Grateful Dead is my go to they will melt your face ? so if you like psychedelics rock/jazz dont miss out on them.
Shpongle is also mindblowing, check it out!

Grateful Dead/Shpongle is also on Spotify

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thanks everyone for your tips and suggestions <3

can't wait to have some of my own soon haha :P

2 hours ago, Lews Therin said:

Also, if you are going to listen to music, i suggest something instrumental

yes. was gonna be this if any :D

love instrumental, thnx

2 hours ago, Lews Therin said:

i would start with 1g

guess that's what i am gonna dive into

@fridjonk good luck tomororw champ! and thanks for the tips. will stock up on that fruits for sure :)

2 hours ago, SilentTears said:

You can eat before, however it is recommended to fast for a stronger experience.

i'll be eating like at night. this is first thing in the morning. shrooms will be my breakfast :D


1 hour ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

Don't eat stuff like chips or sweets. I've also heard that you shouldn't eat stuff with a lot of sugar in it, as it can lessen the effects of the shroom

thanks. i have enough of those as it is :D

1 hour ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

I love to listen to ambient music, or video game music while tripping, but that's up to your taste.

guess like minds think alike ;)

1 hour ago, acidgoofy said:

Mushrooms will last for about 4 hours and yeah after 7-8 hours you should be able to drive.

Mixing it with weed will enhance the effects alot so be careful but if you feel it go for it it's awesome to mix these two substances.

guess based on all replies. i have got nuff time to drive safely given my overall time period in this


and about the weed. perhaps post trip. wanna taste and feel these raw and whole before i go for a reMix :)


thanks again all.

god bless you

god bless me

it's ShroomsTime :)


Love Is The Answer

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@SoonHei I think you should eat at least a banana before tripping. Can't say what was the real cause, but once i was with some friends and we decided to wake up 5 a.m. to eat shrooms and watch the sunrise. I ate a banana and everybody else ate nothing, and as we walked to the place we would watch the sunrise everybody but me puked. 

Myself i have no memory of ever triping having eaten absolutely nothing on the day of a trip, so i can't say if i would puke or no.


Another thing you may find interesting, many times what i do is stay without weed for basically the whole trip, and then i smoke after some 5 hours as the trip is about to end, that gives it a small extra life. Anyway, just a suggestion, do what you feel like doing.

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Silence (plus the sounds of nature)

You’ll be good to drive in like 6 hours probably but play it by ear

Prepare with whatever relaxing spiritual practices you do, if any

Significantly less than 1 gram could induce anxiety due to a sort of “one foot in the door; one foot out” phenomena so I’d err towards ~1g or more

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The amount you are taking, I would consider low dose. You only get one first trip, so make sure you try and maximize the first time experience.  In this regard, You may want to try lemon tek. 

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I wouldnt recommend eating at all. Only drink water or tea without any sugar or caffeine, because if you do otherwise the body releases many hormones, which will interact with your trip. It is far more difficult to cope with a high dosage when your body is digesting and you are tripping. On an empty stomach your metabolism is more steady, which helps to be more aware of the situation and therefore gaining more insights.

Btw, on a truly empty stomach, as soon as the mushroom shows it effects the feeling of hunger will disappear anyway.

Edited by AcaciaConfusa
forgot something

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I used only B+ strain, from the internet Penis Envy is 2-3 times more potent than B+. 
I would suggest to start from 1g B+ equivalent, so it's like 0.3-0.5g of Penis Envy.
1g of Penis Envy may be too much for the first time.


What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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I'm back

Or perhaps still on it.

To me, maybe the amount wasn't a lot? But it did kick in. Oh yes. It was just so much fun.

Shrooms also told me, nothing for you to learn. This is only to enjoy. It is like a movie to watch.

Loved the ride.

Actually was able to drive 2 hours into it... Had to pee, so guess that motivated.

Overall, seemed very vivid and colorful and vibrant. Insights also very great.

Perhaps a higher dose next time.


@allislove unsure which exactly I had. It was via a friend. 1gram. Handled it like mJ handles basketball. Perhaps maybe the key always is intention and expection. I only had fun and love and joy on mind. Not a touch of fear and doubt, apart from the excitement of trying something new. Didn't get bothered with much questions or 'bad trips' etc... Nothing apart from the biological/driving questions which i asked here.


Overall, it was great. Thanks everyone.


Maybe 3grams for the next trip :)


Love Is The Answer

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7 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

Maybe 3grams for the next trip

I'd recommend at least 5g if you had no difficulties. Feel free to disregard that recommendation, however. I've taken 7 grams quite a few times and that's the point where ego death becomes quite likely. Though it's actually quite a bit more likely on even mild doses of 5meo, or even 110ug LSD -- perhaps because mushroom visuals kind of keep you grounded to perception, even if it isn't normal perception.

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Very good that you enjoyed it, that's the most important!

I think 3g is ok if you enjoyed your ride with one.

Soooo, did you listen to music? what about weed?

Next time you could try it with 3g and after maybe half of the trip you smoke a little, that will give you a feeling of what 5g without weed might feel like.

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14 minutes ago, Lews Therin said:

what about weed

I know some may disagree, but weed really can enhance the trip by a fuck ton. Especially at a fairly high dosage. The mechanism by which this happens, however, is unknown to many. Here's the mechanism: weed impairs long and short term memory -- why is this significant? Ego death is why. Ego death doesn't occur by magic, it occurs by nothing more than simple memory suppression. When your memory is entirely suppressed, there is absolutely no context for whatever seems to be happening, thus revealing heaven/God/truth/no-self.

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Indeed, attitude is everything. If you do it with the understanding that you are Love, God, creator of everything; just for the sake of having fun, for the sake of celebration the beauty of life - literally nothing can go wrong. ?

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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