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Many atheists when you talk to them about god .. They just pull out the "the God Delusion" book by Richard Dawkins. 

honestly the book is a joke. Despite all the over valuing. Dawkins thinks evolution debunked God because we don't need intelligent designer to explain how living creatures exist. You can easily refute it by saying that God creates via evolution. I don't know whats wrong with Dawkins and evolutionists lol . Can't they see that evolution has nothing to do with the existence of God. Yet that's all what people like Dawkins got to support their atheism. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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I want to hear more about the false assumptions we make that come from evolutionary theory. 

for example.

1. Humans are the highest species of animals. 

2. Survival of the fittest is reality, (mutual aid counters this argument). 

3. Passing on your genes is important and if you cant attract mates youre a failed evolutionary experiment. 

4. Alpha males are real and better than beta males. 

5. Genes pre-determine your personality. (Might be partially true but causes limiting beliefs.)


Please counter these silly arguments.

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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21 minutes ago, Tim Ho said:


I don't want to be rude but Evolution doesn't make any of those claims above ¬¬


Not intentionally but it gets baked into our culture because of ignorance. Try convincing a scientist that the idea of most intelligent species is arbitrary or that genes are not as important as science claims. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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What type of evolution? Leo has video on combined evolution or the topic is part of the video.
Why people want this topic to be combined with Big Bang cosmology?
Why people want it to be combined with how the stars with fusion and neutron star collisions making more dense atoms?
Why people think that Evolution by Natural Selection has aim toward advancing?
Why people does not care or want to understand what part of the process is random or not?
Why people confusing the word fit with fitness?
Why people think that the word advanced means that better than other?
How it does not fit into our mind that if we unable to find a mate we can't pass our genes?
Why people think that a thinking brain is always better than a non thinking one?

Why people does not understand that science has no such goals to debunk god beliefs? However if you want to force god on my children you reason with TESTABLE CLAIMS or F off.

Evolution is simple. I did not choose my parents. I did not choose to be born. I did not choose my surroundings when i was born. If i fight against myself no woman will trust me. If i don't want to take care myself no woman will do it for me. If I'm lazy to get food or money for food I will die. If I don't want to force myself on a woman who reject me then I won't have sex. If my mother was not comfortable enough she may not gave me the hormones I need to convert to a male. Some state that if my gender started to "advance" to male i may get woman hormones. A gay boy is a mother scream for help. (not tested enough and almost no way to test it. Unless you present a mind reader with recordings of thoughts since the girl is born )
If i worry too much I may get cancer. If that oil to the fire to be worried even more, It will advance even more. If I have weak genes to prevent old age cancer I can still have children. If I die before i come to the age of reproduction my genes are gone for good. If I can not be manipulated then I may go to the Lion to touch it.
If light sensitive cells are advantageous and i can change positions then the shadow of an animal may force me to stay in the light. It is an one way ticket. If a gene is useless then it may stay but inactivated....

In short. As a human I not fit to the society. Can not make an erection, No doctors around to take sperm. No woman around because i was unable to defend them and they were kidnapped/stolen by males who think it is their divine right.

Almost all reasons above my comment is a failure of listening. Sorry.

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