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Consciousness Work & Drugs

Consciousness & Drugs   4 members have voted

  1. 1. Is it possible to balance conscious/enlightenment path with drug use? (not abuse)

    • Yes
    • Not at all
    • Depends of the person's mind

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6 posts in this topic

Hi everyone,

I'm 23 and I've been making of meditation and mindful awareness a serious habit for 1 month or so..

I can feel myself gradually growing the consciousness, besides I'm less anxious and more aware about my thoughts.


The thing is that I smoke weed quite often (every weekend and sometimes during the week), and I've been feeling like it's getting on my way to become more and more conscious lately. I've stopped drinking alcohol for months, but weed has this social value attached to it that makes me do it. How to deal with this kind of vice? Has anyone been in the same or similar situation? Share your case here!


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Don't worry about smoking weed. My experience is that it does have the potential for abuse (but not addiction). I mean by that, be careful that you don't use it more and more. First only in the weekend, then the weekend and one or two times during the week, and soon every day. Also, be aware that it messes with your sleep. Cannabis supresses rem sleep. Some people are very sensitive to this. It makes you tired and apathetic, and can even lead to psychosis.

Substance use is very much cultural bound. The worst substances, like alcohol and nicotine are sold legally in supermarkets. They kill thousands of people every year, they destroy lives and families. Caffeine and sugar are also very much socially accepted. Now some will argue that sugar isn't a mind altering drug. That's just because the body has gotten so used to it. Give a young child a few sugar cubes, and you will notice how it alters their mind.

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Broadly speaking, being more aware will build your baseline awareness and being less aware will shrink it. Weed makes you less aware.

If you're serious about enlightenment, why would you do something that's not necessary for your survival and is counterproductive to your pursuit, unless you're not that serious about it? And logistically speaking, even those who do think they're serious about it will most likely fail. If you're deliberately doing things you know will make the the highly unlikely even more unlikely, you might as well give up.

Edited by Markus

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Weed and alcohol are baggage in my opinion. You say smoking weed has a social value, don't you experience this social feeling without weed? It's an evolving dependency. I smoked a lot of weed, drank a lot in my early twenties and all i can say is: it's nonsense, it interferes with personal growth and if i had the chance i would erase this from my past. Realize that socially accepted drug abuse/dependencies is just drug abuse/dependencies, there is nothing to rationalize because every one does it, or your friends do it when you're out partying. It's your brain, your consciousness - and it pollutes it.

Edited by Locooig

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Alcohol was an issue for me. If weed has social value for you, I'd suggest chaning peer groups to whatever degree you can. It's not a perfect solution but it will give you space to do inner work.





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