
Going to jail to avoid wage slavery?

53 posts in this topic

7 hours ago, mmKay said:


I've never been in jail and I have not made any extensive research into the topic, besides some anecdotal stories from friends/family and some shallow google searches. 

The idea is commiting a stratetic not harmful not life-ruining crime that would put you in jail for a year or whatever. 

During this time, you would have access to food and shelter, and the most important thing, TIME FOR INTROSPECTION and maybe journaling and reading lots and lots of books. 

After your lawbreaking ass gets released, you would have ( at least in my country  ) some kind of pension from the government for the next couple of months and a deeper understanding of what it is that you want from life, besides getting jacked and not being able to get into Canada ever again. 


If you got your shit together you could just skip all of this entirely and just do what you want and make ends meet how you want, but if you are bouncing around rock bottom surrounded by a toxic environment and stuck in a rut, maybe this would be something to consider. 


Again, this is just a thought experiment. 

Sounds like a plan. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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Bruh where i live you better die than go to prison..

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Honestly I rather do online sex work to escape wage slavery than go to prison and be surrounded by devils . 

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@mmKay I would only consider it in Sweden, otherwise, it's better to wage slave and save some minimal amount of money and live in your car + buy some cheapest gym membership so you can take a shower and charge your phone

"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

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3 minutes ago, Enlightenment said:

@mmKay I would only consider it in Sweden, otherwise, it's better to wage slave and save some minimal amount of money and live in your car + buy some cheapest gym membership so you can take a shower and charge your phone


my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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Lol, imagine having prisons so good that people want to visit your country and commit a crime just to get in there. 

Edited by Rilles

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Or, you know, you could do the whole move into a Bhuddist monastery or something similar which would be infinitely better.

I've faced the real possibility of going to jail for a short period over a DUI and had the same thoughts.  I've also spent a couple of nights in jail years back over petty alcohol related crimes.   And I will tell you it is absolutely not the place to start a spiritual practice like meditation.  You are absolutely underestimating the distraction and stress that the environment will put on you.  Being in confined spaces is psychological torture on a minor level.  You're surrounded by aggressive mentally ill people and extremely egotistical dumb Neanderthals that are the prison staff who get off on feeling like they're better than you.  Good fucking luck with your meditation habit in that environment.  OP, no offense, but you are incredibly naive.

Edited by Heart of Space

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Ok, now you are in the prison, rather than being a wage slave... now what? What's the purpose? You can't basically do anything in prison.

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Just now, Applegarden said:

Ok, now you are in the prison, rather than being a wage slave... now what? What's the purpose? You can't basically do anything in prison.

He could convert the heathens. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@Applegarden @Applegarden

12 minutes ago, Applegarden said:

What's the purpose? 

You didn't read the post, did you?  x D


During this time, you would have access to food and shelter, and the most important thing, TIME FOR INTROSPECTION and maybe journaling and reading lots and lots of books. 

After your lawbreaking ass gets released, you would have ( at least in my country  ) some kind of pension from the government for the next couple of months and a deeper understanding of what it is that you want from life, besides getting jacked and not being able to get into Canada ever again. 

End of Quote. 

I'm not defending the idea. This is an open discussion ;)

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4 hours ago, mmKay said:

During this time, you would have access to food and shelter, and the most important thing, TIME FOR INTROSPECTION and maybe journaling and reading lots and lots of books. 

You seem to imagine prison being this nice zen environment :D Perhaps in Northern Europe. In the rest of the world, you'll get your teeth smashed so that you can't bite anyone's dick off and get HIV if you are not careful and let your soap slip too often. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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But then what? Would you create a business or so after prison and pension? Also, how would you have access to personal development books in prison?

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On 11/9/2020 at 11:19 PM, Enlightenment said:

save some minimal amount of money and live in your car + buy some cheapest gym membership so you can take a shower and charge your phone

Phahahaha, my old fantasy (besides living in a cave with just wireless connection ?). At least, I've found a way out, although I'm still living with shitty neighbors. Yet that's better than staying in a jail ?

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On 11/9/2020 at 7:24 AM, Preety_India said:





My thoughts exactly

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Have fun being a real slave. I've lived it, and don't recommend this. You will need that ego tightly attached for this kind of journey.

This is what I'm hearing you say:

I'll take a trip to a PRISON to find FREEDOM.

Just think about that.



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On 9/11/2020 at 1:55 PM, mmKay said:


Now that we are on the topic I would like to share this : 18 yr old guy spent 6 years in jail for threating another dude while playing Runescape ( wow) 



And here is the youtube channel of that guy if you'd like to hear some prision sotories :


Quite eyeopening. That's america though. I'd like to hear more from other parts of the world. 

I heard terrible things about prisions in Morroco since there are lots of Arabic people here in Spain. Things like 1x1 meters prisions, extreme violence and torturing, beheadings, etc. 



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There might be some positives, depending on the country

(not in a million years would i want to go to prison in the us)


For example me, i'm easily distracted by lots of stuff, internet cell phone and so on.

In prison i would probably spend a lot more time meditating and reading etc. if i had my own cell.

But still you're just a number there, you don't have your freedom, what will you do when you get out, weird dudes, asshole correctional officers, no females, no nature etc.

Edited by PurpleTree

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I personally know people who have been in prison more than once mostly for theft (bike thieves, construction equpment theft, shoplifting, drugs etc)
One of them there became, what you might call a "Bitch", nobody raped anyone. 

What he had to do is basically do the dirt for other inmates - collect drugs, cellphones, money etc  that were thrown over the prison walls. (If they catch you, you get extra time) but he also got to play PS3 and surf the net, and some protection in reward.. however he also had to wash the strongest cell mates socks once in a while..
The other dude just basically did the time ~3 years simply just being extremelly boored, working out and working there, nothing special, however he will never ever be able to work in a government job, own a gun permit, work night shifts, work in a bank etc.

What I've noticed in their behaviour is that prison maybe doesn't change you that mutch, but it for sure humbles you down.

Oh and yes, they were ~30-40 people living in once cell, the food is shitty and they sorta starve you, but you can buy food if you have money. The smell is awfull, you can't really sleep that well.. you might get some time to meditate or read a book tho.

Edited by meow_meow

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23 minutes ago, meow_meow said:

Oh and yes, they were ~30-40 people living in once cell, the food is shitty and they sorta starve you, but you can buy food if you have money. The smell is awfull, you can't really sleep that well.. you might get some time to meditate or read a book tho.

Uh what kind of country is that?

Here there are one or two people in a cell.

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The reality and importance of survival becomes so amplified in prison that it would be near impossible to focus on contemplation and introspection to the degree you're imagining.

Something as radical as this only sounds like a "good" idea for someone with tremendous experience and temperament for those things, but that just raises the question, why go to such an environment for time to master something you've already mastered?  


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