
Going to jail to avoid wage slavery?

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I've never been in jail and I have not made any extensive research into the topic, besides some anecdotal stories from friends/family and some shallow google searches. 

The idea is commiting a stratetic not harmful not life-ruining crime that would put you in jail for a year or whatever. 

During this time, you would have access to food and shelter, and the most important thing, TIME FOR INTROSPECTION and maybe journaling and reading lots and lots of books. 

After your lawbreaking ass gets released, you would have ( at least in my country  ) some kind of pension from the government for the next couple of months and a deeper understanding of what it is that you want from life, besides getting jacked and not being able to get into Canada ever again. 


If you got your shit together you could just skip all of this entirely and just do what you want and make ends meet how you want, but if you are bouncing around rock bottom surrounded by a toxic environment and stuck in a rut, maybe this would be something to consider. 


Again, this is just a thought experiment. 

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You still have to work in prison, so youre basically trading wage slavery for real slavery. Would you really want to work in a Stage Red environment? I had this thought too actually but its just silly, wage slavery is not so bad that I would trade it for prison. 

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Once you're in prison your entire attention will go towards just surviving prison.

Prison in not a Zen monastary. In prision, some dude will try to rape you and steal your dinner.

Prison is a stage Red survival situation.

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Watch Prison Break series.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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30 minutes ago, mmKay said:

I have not made any extensive research into the topic,

Theres the problem

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36 minutes ago, mmKay said:

The idea is commiting a stratetic not harmful not life-ruining crime that would put you in jail for a year or whatever. 

Having spent time in Jail will deny you 90% of job opportunities in developed countries. You may as well tattoo swastika on your forehead 

@Mikael89 dude you can't be serious ↑

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5 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:
18 minutes ago, Rilles said:



No you don't.

Yes you do, although not as much, just Google it please, instead of looking like a fool. 

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The U.S prison system sounds like some life-altering challange, many guys would go out of there respecting themselves more, others not so much.


how much can you bend your mind? and how much do you have to do it to see straight?

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11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


Once you're in prison your entire attention will go towards just surviving prison. 

I did think about this aspect. A coworker of mine who has been in few times told me at least here in Spain there are different kinds of Jails depending on who you are and what you did.

He told me that it was pretty chill and he would definately go back if things got rough for him. Again, this guy knew nothing about personal development and was kind of dumb. 

Also, my dad had been in jail for few years (long story) and he came our incredibly well read and not f*cked up at all. 

Again, there are most likely more people who wont be able to get anything positive from the experience and will get involved with gangs and get a facetat and that sh1t. 

Feel free to share your thoughts / anecdotes and experiences.

Ni judgement zone here ( at least from me lol) 

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2 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

I Googled it and you are wrong, of course.

It's enough if you study, take treatment, or do some kind of activity. And even if you refuse all that, the only thing which happens is that they might release you later, big deal.

I personally know a Swedish person who went to jail for battery, he is a tough Stage Red no bullshit type of guy, he said prison was horrible. 

Edited by Rilles

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Just when you thought people couldnt be more delusional. 

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3 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

Bahaha, like I said, it's a walk in the park. You don't have to work. They accept almost all kinds of easy and pleasant activities.

In Finland and Sweden almost  everything is a walk in the park. 9_9

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2 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

I added: and they also pay you for doing it.

Yeah about 10kr (1 dollar) an hour. Haha. This is hilarious. Why didnt I think of this? Fuck it! Im going to prison! Its going to be great! Like a luxury hotel! Man youve really changed my perception! Thanks! 

Edited by Rilles

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If I was given an option between serving prison time in Sweden or living in the slums of India, I would choose prison in Sweden. 

The Prison System is created for all those people who don't serve the larger system of society. By default, if you don't serve society, society won't serve you by providing a comfortable stay in their prison system.

But, some societies (Western Europe) have higher standards of living in their prison system than other societies have in their whole societal system. 

So you just have to pick carefully which system you want to serve. ;) 


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@dflores321 ; ) would be a damn good bestseller rag to riches story, wouldn't it? 

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@Mikael89 So what if your survival is secured? You're gonna die when you're old. The only difference is the number of years, but the fear will be there. How are you gonna face the fear of death?

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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