
Unwanted thoughts haunting me.

21 posts in this topic

20 hours ago, somegirl said:

I'm a bit afraid of imagining something I actually don't want and materializing it into existence.

So for example, I would visualize/imagine bright future with a loved one, travelling around the world and then all of a sudden a scary thought pops up, getting hit by a car. Then I try next thought that feels good, and then again, interruption by a tragic scene.

It's as if there is something in my mind purposely ruining the scene I want to create in my mind! 

Maybe if I don't give meaning to any of these unwanted thoughts and disidentify myself from it and don't associate myself with it, it won't matter, and I won't, in fact, materialize these stuff in real life?

I don't know what to do about this. Any advice?

This, the post as a whole, is a thought, a perspective which doesn’t resonate. Rather than stick a post it over feeling (“afraid”), let the perspective go. There is a certain obviousness of this, if you are willing to laugh at yourself...not take yourself too seriously. :) Rather than pretending they are seeing, bats abide in sonar and bump not in the night. Also good for a laugh...the notion what you create could ever match the joy of the creating...or that you’re finding wisdom from the words of another. We are sneaky, sneaky bats. Don’t settle for post it notes. (Not that you could). 



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