
I have a question for those who are awakened

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So there is the dream state (the illusory world we all experience right now) and there is the REAL reality, god, or truth, which is hidden from our senses.
Being awakened means you are directly conscious of that REAL reality, as far as some teachers suggest.

If so, can you be 100% certain, than at the moment you die, that REAL reality will continue exactly as you are directly conscious of right now?
In other words, are you experiencing death simultaneously with the dream?

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What remains after the death of the ego is what continues after the death of the body.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Death is an illusion.

It never existed. A fiction created by the human mind.

When you die you will be right here because there is nowhere else to go. 


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The conditioned self centered experience of 'I am', places an overlay over top of reality and creates a very limited experience from this perspective often referred to as the dream story.

It's a real and unreal experience simultaneously.(paradox)

Real in the sense that it's what is apparently experienced.

Unreal in the sense that when this self-centered energetic experience collapses, it's recognized as having never been!

It's recognized by no one that the apparent individual(seeking energy) desperately searching for a better experience in the future is completely unreal.

This recognition takes the concept of living and dying completely out of the equation because it's realized for the first time that the very entity holding these concepts to be real, was Maya (illusion of the self).




Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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After the I stops, it’s obvious that it’s gone, but it’s practically unrecognizable exactly what it is that’s gone — it just wasn’t ever there. It was an assumed receiver and cause of what’s arising, which seemed to make the arising seem real, but there was only ever just what’s arising. Nothing really changes, there’s just no one to know or get anything, like it always was. And nothing is real, including death.

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20 hours ago, Mafortu said:

So there is the dream state (the illusory world we all experience right now) and there is the REAL reality, god, or truth, which is hidden from our senses.

LOL what? 

20 hours ago, Mafortu said:

If so, can you be 100% certain, than at the moment you die, that REAL reality will continue exactly as you are directly conscious of right now?

Being is eternal. It was never born and it will never die. It can't go anywhere because it's already everywhere. I'm not sure what happens after you physically die. You can destroy all forms. But you can't destroy the formless. And you are that. 

This is the realization of immortality. You will never die because you are everything. Whatever is left is you and it can't be otherwise. When you become conscious of that you realize that you are God because you are immortal. Sure the human you will die. But death of the human is just giving up being a someone. 

Edited by Someone here

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@Someone here agreed on this! After an awakening or enlightenment you recognize your immortal nature and this is the game you been playing FOREVER. 

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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1 hour ago, Dand said:

The dream 'illusory' state IS the real reality/Truth, these aren't separate, it's just that the dream is one fragment of Reality/Truth

Reality includes both what our senses perceive AND what they don't perceive.

I am aware of this, I am asking for those that are directly conscious of nonduality if they perceive themselves as both dead and alive at the same time. (formlessness, and formed)

Edited by Mafortu
ate a word

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2 minutes ago, Mafortu said:

I am aware of this, I am asking for those that are directly conscious of nonduality they perceive themselves as both dead and alive at the same time. (formlessness, and formed)

See what you did there? :) You can directly realize nonduality, but it is still from "your" perspective. Nonduality from the ultimate perspective is only possible when you are free from form, i.e., when "you" no longer exist. Atman vs. Brahman.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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5 hours ago, Someone here said:

LOL what? 

I just repeated in slightly different words what every non-dual teacher tells us, not sure why you laughed at this. There is the awakened state and the dream state, unless you are new to these concepts this shouldn't surprise you.

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2 minutes ago, Moksha said:

See what you did there? :) You can directly realize nonduality, but it is still from "your" perspective. Nonduality from the ultimate perspective is only possible when you are free from form, i.e., when "you" no longer exist. Atman vs. Brahman.

Sorry I forgot the word "if" there, just edited the post, it should make more sense now.

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@Mafortu I was referring to nonduality being in the same sentence as "they perceive themselves". Ultimate nonduality means there is no "I" to perceive itself. It is transcendent, formless, Consciousness itself :) 

In other words, nobody on the planet gets to directly experience Tat. We can feel our connection with it and with everything else, but we are still bound to a personal perspective. We are Atman realizing ourselves as Brahman, but we are not Brahman. We are the ray of the sun, realizing our connection with the sun, but we are not the sun.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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24 minutes ago, Mafortu said:

I just repeated in slightly different words what every non-dual teacher tells us, not sure why you laughed at this. There is the awakened state and the dream state, unless you are new to these concepts this shouldn't surprise you.

No I'm not surprised. I know these teachings. It's just funny that you can't see the truth now here and imagining it to be hidden somewhere. 

Focus on what's here now.  The rest is mindfuck. 

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On 11/7/2020 at 3:26 PM, Mafortu said:

So there is the dream state (the illusory world we all experience right now) and there is the REAL reality, god, or truth, which is hidden from our senses.
Being awakened means you are directly conscious of that REAL reality, as far as some teachers suggest.

If so, can you be 100% certain, than at the moment you die, that REAL reality will continue exactly as you are directly conscious of right now?
In other words, are you experiencing death simultaneously with the dream?

This is the real reality, awakening is realizing this. Real just means what’s going on right now. 

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36 minutes ago, Mafortu said:

I am aware of this, I am asking for those that are directly conscious of nonduality if they perceive themselves as both dead and alive at the same time. (formlessness, and formed)

Formless is form.... non duality isn’t separate from duality? That wouldn’t make sense it’s one... behind all form is nothing which is formless but it’s not some other thing 

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

No I'm not surprised. I know these teachings. It's just funny that you can't see the truth now here and imagining it to be hidden somewhere. 

Focus on what's here now.  The rest is mindfuck. 

Don't be that guy in the gym that finds it "funny" when he sees a fat guy at the walk machine.

The truth being "hidden" is a popular interpretation by many teachers. If its obvious to you, congrats.

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@Mafortu why passive aggressive? Sorry for any misunderstanding bro. 

Think about it.. If the truth is hidden it can't be the truth! At least it would be relative not absolute. Because being hidden in a certain context means it is not true in that context. This can't be the case if we are talking about absolute truth.  Your very search for absolute truth assumes it can be found elsewhere meaning its not absolute. 

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The truth is hidden in plain sight. People look everywhere for it, when it is who they are the whole time.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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How about if (and this is a question too) the feeling of the separate "I" which lives and dies, isn't untrue, but is just a limited perspective which is a limited truth? Rather like when you only look at one piece of the jigsaw. The untruth comes in if you extrapolate from the small piece and assume you know what the fill picture is like, instead of actually looking at the whole jigsaw. 

Edit -- or if we are the jigsaw, which can choose to identity as a single whole, or as separate pieces. Except that the 'pieces' are impermanent, virtual pieces, the borders being redrawn over and over. 

Edited by snowyowl

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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