Tim R

Civil war: probability?

13 posts in this topic

How probable is a civil war in the US? Or something like extremely violent riots?

The George Floyd riots were pretty... intense already, to say the least, how much potential does this new situation hold?

I mean, the country is deeply divided, many people won't accept their new president and Trump will pour a lot of oil into this fire.

About 43% of all US citizens live in a gun household and many people already brace themselves for troublesome times ahead.

What do you guys think?

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Nah man, we'll probably see some protests, complaining, and crying.  Civil war is not likely at all.  Not sure why people continue to bring it up.   

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Those MAGA military cosplayers don’t want to actually risk sitting in prison for the rest of their lives.  All bark and no bite.

Plus if it ever got close to that point, the National Guard/Army will get called in if they’re feeling a bit froggy about it.


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If you want a civil war you need hungry people, corrupted army and police and some sort of contradictory ideologies in the society.

It will never happen now.

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There have been many Right-Wing militia attempts at violence recently, and every one of them have been arrested. So we've been good at keeping it under control...for now. 

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Gun sales have hit a record high this year. A considerable percentage of the population is radicalised. Now they are sore losers.

What is lacking is any organised, national-scale militia. I absolutely expect some amount of violence, though it appears at this stage that it will stop short of a civil war.

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Very low risk. Life is too good to rock the boat, and Biden being in charge instead of Trump won't actually change the day-to-day that much for most people. There are too many distractions. People are too comfortable and placated.

I have lots of right-wing friends and none of them are raging mad or suggesting to take action in any way. They are just feeling defeated more than anything. Actual white supremacists like Richard Spencer welcome a Biden win in hopes of accelerationism, he posted a picture of his ballot for Biden on Twitter.

You might get one or two individual lunatics who go shoot some place up. That was a risk no matter which side won. But you aren't going to get militias out in force unless Trump somehow manages to find actual, indisputable proof of election fraud.

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There'll be some unrest but not civil war. 

Trumpers will engage in loud outbursts, fake claims, Gaslighting, denial, ego backlash, they will do a lot of protesting and screaming. But not civil war. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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God, I hope so.

That means it's not gonna happen.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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