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Taunted Jester

A view on my thoughts

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My thoughts at the moment.


Energy at rest is said to fill all the space it is in.

Energy at rest is said to be infinite.


Imagine Energy is Consciousness or Conscious Energy.


If this energy at rest is infinite and this energy at rest fills all of space... infinitely, then does it not fill all of time infinitely?


So if Energy at rest is infinite and fills all of space and time infinitely, does this infinite Energy not permeate all of space infinitely and all of time infinitely? Ppl

I think it does.


If this Energy is consciousness, does not consciousness exist and permeate throughout all of the spacial dimensions throughout all of the times that exist within those spacial dimensions?


Is that conscious energy at rest not infinitely aware? Is this conscious energy at rest not infinitely intelligent? Is this conscious energy at rest not absolutely everything in existence? Omnipresent? Omnipotent? 


So who are you really?

So what are you really?


My apologies if these thoughts come out too repetitive as I have re-read these words and also find them repetitive.


Please give me some thoughts on this view. I would like to hear a different view if you do not think the same way.

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Yes to everything you observed. The "energy" you describe, expanding to fill the bounds of spacetime, is Consciousness infused into the world of form. It is Atman.

But there is another dimension. Beyond spacetime, underlying the world of form, is transcendent Consciousness, which created the world of form: Brahman.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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35 minutes ago, Taunted Jester said:

If this energy at rest is infinite and this energy at rest fills all of space... infinitely, then does it not fill all of time infinitely?

When infinity see’s a world, it knows of space. 

When eternity see’s a world, it knows of time. 

When nothing see’s a world, it knows the human condition. 



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But infinite mean everything including nothing.


For instance. Imagine that all there is... is consciousness. Or Consciousness Energy. And that consciousness exists in a place where there is actually no space. That consciousness is at rest, said to be infinite and said to fill all of the space it can fill. Which is all of space, and all of time, yet is also nothing and absolutely everything. 

If infinity is said to be everything, it also includes nothing. 

I guess what i am trying to say is imagine that consciousness is the only thing that exists. It doesn't exist in any space...  or any time. As none of that exists. Only consciousness.


If consciousness is at rest... and is said to be infinite... and said to fill all of the space available to it... then it fills all the space that it can, which is all of space, and yet no space. I think it also means it fills all of time, and yet none of time. It exists as everything, and nothing, all at once. 

anyways, just thoughts...

Edited by Taunted Jester

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Infinity = 1 + 0

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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So infinity = 1.. yes?  Does that mean true? Does that mean infinity is existence?

I have probably missed the whole point of your post. My apologies...


I can be quite silly sometimes... Care to explain your post?

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1 is everything. 0 is nothing. Ultimate reality is the eternal Mystery that is both and neither :)

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Well, see my original post. Our thoughts are confirmed within the spacetime cosmos. But there is a deeper dimension underlying spacetime that is not bound by spacetime :)

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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1 hour ago, Taunted Jester said:

But infinite mean everything including nothing.


Infinite means without limits, the space isn't infinite. Eternal means out of the time , the time isn't eternal because has a beginning. 

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