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Does Medicine or medicaments obstruct the possibility to get enlightend?

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my question is, if medicine or medicaments like Lithium, Olanzapin or other Medicine, wich are givin in case of a bipolar disorder obstruct the possibility to get enlighten? I take now for 18 years these medicine and i would like to know, if there is in general a hindrance to "achieve" the true self with  these drugs in my body?

Thank you all for your replies.

Best Regards


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No ❤

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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@Mojinius I really want to say something helpful but with everything and especially this topic, there just are no rules, only seems like there might be. You’re golden however you slice it though.

Edited by The0Self

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I wouldn't think so. A little less than two years ago i experienced a sort-of-sudden enlightenment amidst some bad times in my life. Thing is, i was at the time taking vyvanse daily for adhd. I had been taking it for over a year and a half, so you could say my entire "spiritual journey" was while using it.

Sincerely, i feel it even helped me. When i used to take lsd i would take it with vyvanse and it would make the trips so clear and easyer to understand. It was a completely different thing from lsd before vyvanse, since now i could focus on the insights and experiences i was having.

Of course medicines vary, but i don't think there should be any problem with it.

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Thank you all for your replies. I hope my journey will not be disturbed by it. I hope you all  will find what you seek for. I wish you all the best....

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