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Lews Therin

alternate nostril breathing problems

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Hello everyone, i was today trying out the first Kryia Yoga techniques, starting with the alternate nostril breathing.

Thing is, i have a deviated sptum, wich means my left nostril can take up air twice as fast as the right one, and expell that air too.

I know through hearing and trying that expelling the air slower than when you breath in makes your heart rate slower.

my doubt is if this could hinder my experience or make it dangerous in some way, as i oscillate between breathing in quicly and then taking very long to breath out, and then breathing in slowly and breathing ou really fast.

The book says to take 6 seconds in each side, but to me that is simply impossible, right side takes at least 10-12 seconds, whereas the left one could be done in less than 6.

I wanted to know you opinions as, from my little experience, i feel a little out of air by the time i finish letting out the air through the right side, and i that bothers me a little.

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One thing I've learned is that perfection is not required when it comes to the Kriya techniques.  Just do your best, the results will still come.

That being said, I would use the "big" book mostly for educational purposes.  Gamana's book is much more straightforward and simple to use, and the exercises are very powerful.  This is hard stuff though, it will take months of practice to start to really feel the energy awakening, and I'm still unsure where it leads after that.  Good luck.

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@Lews Therin Yea don't get too bogged down with the details. It's not gonna make any difference if you breath in for 6 seconds rather than 10. Follow the general guidelines, and suit it to your needs and requirements. Whats written down in a book should always be taken with a pinch of salt.

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