
Question about "book yoga"

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I'm planning to buy the Kriya yoga book on Leo's booklist, but Sadhguru really be out there giving me doubts about the effectiveness of "book yoga". Anyone with experience able to say if it's still worth doing, and if so, what practices to maybe avoid without supervision?

Edited by SonataAllegro

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I'm 2 months and a half into practice, and i can tell you i already can sense the following:
- Chakras vibrating
- Prana through through the spine
- Third eye pulsating as concetration improves
- shakings and hints of light durings during concetration practice
- i experienced in a few sessions hints(maybe gateways?) of different states of consciousness, but when it happened fear got me and i lost them.
- generally, after every session i feel more attentive, calm, energized and "elevated" than when i sit.

I practice as the book says(details are important), and for now i haven't noticed any contraindications.
i think the important is that you don't jump to the advanced techniques without following the process.

so for now i can say that you can definitely see improvements in Yoga by following a book. is it enough for enlightenment?
i cannot say for now.

If you intend to practice, i can only raccomand to start with the thicker one:D! as it contains more theory.
i have the little ones too, but the author supposes you know many things already.

i'm just a newbie so take this words lightly!

Edited by _Archangel_

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Ask yourself why do you want to buy this book?

The word 'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', meaning 'to join' or 'to yoke' or 'to unite', meaning that yoga is a practice to unite with the Source, Your Higher Self, The One, God or whatever you'd like to call it.

There are many paths of yoga, for example.


Raja yoga focuses on meditation and contemplation in order to fully realize the self. Known as the royal (Raja) or king path of yoga, it is based on the eight-limbed path toward self-realization outlined in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, and tends to attract the more spiritually devoted practitioners.


Bhakti yoga is the path of devotion, emphasizing devotional love for and surrender to God, the Source or the One Creator.

By seeing the Divine in everyone and everywhere, Bhakti yoga cultivates acceptance, tolerance, forgiveness and unconditional love for all beings. Bhakti yoga also involves a lot of chanting and kirtan (call and response) that evokes feelings of love, connection, and bliss.


Jnana yoga is the path of wisdom and knowledge (Jnana), involving a disciplined study of scriptures and constant inquiry into the nature of the self. Any form of study into the nature of the self or the truth of our existence will aid in reaching deeper states of you. Often called the yoga of the mind, Jnana yoga is well suited for the more intellectually inclined.


Karma yoga is the path of selfless action, the yoga of doing. Selfless service is the heart of karma yoga. Remaining completely detached from the outcome of their actions, Karma yogis are in continual service to the betterment of all beings with no intention of physical gain.

Karma is fundamentally about learning lessons. One learns through positive action that as you help others, so are you helped. It’s a rewarding teaching mechanism in that sense. And one learns through negative action that as one hurts others, so are you hurt, in order to understand the consequences of your actions. Negative karma can be resolved by discharging the soul imprint through forgiveness and understanding. Karmic experiences can be prevented by understanding their core lessons before they are attracted.


Mantra yoga is the yoga of sound. Considered sacred utterances, mantras are syllables, words, or phrases representing a particular attribute of the Divine. There are certain seed mantras that resonate with each of the unique energy centers or chakras. One of the most common mantras is ‘OHM’, which resonates with the foundational vibration of our existence. Mantra yoga is the practice of becoming centered through the repetition of mantras.


Hatha yoga, which most people think yoga to be these days, is the practice of yoga postures, or asanas, using the conscious combination of the breath and body movements to rise to higher states of clarity, groundedness and peace of mind. It sees the body as the primary vehicle for self-actualization and transformation.

You also have your unique path. Know that your journey in life is absolutely unique to you and will most likely involve many of the aspects mentioned above. For example, you can simply imagine combining certain daily postures, with a mediation and/or contemplation practice, studying certain philosophies you resonate with, while also being compassionately proactive about helping or serving others.

Hope this helps

Edited by Darlisto

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@SonataAllegro Good question. I would like to know as well. 

Also. Sadhguru's audience is that of normies. He doesn't try to teach everyone how to become enlightenment. He teaches higher quality of living. And if those are his goals, and he's assuming you have a normal temperament, and he might just be deluded, then i don't follow his advice. 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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