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How to live vs How to be lived.

2 posts in this topic

You can keep yourself in the dream by doing this:

Keeping a vision of what it could mean to be a profound/etc human being in the future. Make it idyllic enough, or just continue enhancing it, and there’s no danger of it ever being achieved, so you can remain in the dream. At least until you are confronted with hopelessness.

For the exact opposite, you could do the exact opposite. Neither is better or worse than the other.

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Simply breathing will let you stay in the dream. Even when you are awake, there has to be some guna attachment to keep you here. Awake, but relaxed, because you realize that even in the dream you can enjoy being with every breath.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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