Avi Khomutovsky

Take off with full power toward LP or behave more strategically

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i found my LP, i feel that music is the thing i most passionate about. now life presented me with crossroad and i need to decide. if the plane is ship is going to sail toward the purpose and let all the energies go there or... to put it more concretely start selling some products on internet and moving and creating a job where i work for myself and then do the transition. i know it will take some time, energy and money. and losing of it at the start.

but i gotta tell you this, today my father told me how my grandfather went threw a period of hunger from 33 to 35, that's a real life struggle right there.

i read about Jimi Hendrix now, the dude used to walk all day with a broom cause he had no money at the start, people thought he was crazy. it took hem two decades until he got hits and started play his music. he used to walk with all of this stuff in his guitar case, sleep outside, not eating for several days.. you see what i am trying to say? glary vee talked about it, ''go get enough money to pay your shit and the rest of the time work, do your own thing''   

Charles Bradley sold records at 62! but he did it! i dont care if it will take me that long too, i have no fear of what my family and friends will say i am willing to put it all and i hope you all too 9_9

hope you all doing real good :) making the most of your time, especially if you at home because of the virus. 

any thoughts ? 

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@Avi Khomutovsky Damn man I'm legit in the exact same boat!

25 years old, "strategically" doing a marketing business for 1 year before I take off for my music career. 

I'll give you some reasons why I chose the marketing business route first, rather than diving in straight into a music career first:

1) You probably don't want to stay too long at your parents house. And to move out of your parents' house can take many years if you're doing a music career first. 

2) I have more baseline needs, desires, and priorities that need to be met first. Like think about it, going full on into a music career sounds beautiful. And I get tempted too. But you might suffer a lot, if you don't have a quality social life, the girls you want, a proper health foundation, money to live in a nice place. 

3) A music career can take 4 to 10 years before you are making money. It takes time to get good enough to have a good following and stuff. When you get good though, I believe it'll be exponential. But music is cut-throat man. These days "good" alone isn't even going to cut it. "Great" and "world-class" also is becoming too common as the standard has gone up over the years. But with a marketing business, you can make money in 1 to 3 years, and then pursue a music career peacefully, while having a lot of your needs met, and probably use that money to get a master to train you to cut your learning curve, use the money to build a studio even, move to a nice place, etc. 

Plus, in a sense, life is a journey. You'll get to your music soon. But if you can be a little patient, a year or 2, you can start off music with a much more solid foundation. 

Then again, those are just the arguments for being strategic. 

Tbh I'd like to hear your counter-points to the side that I chose haha. I'm in a similar boat, and if you could tell me some strong viewpoints for doing music first, I might even shift towards doing that. 

I was watching Cobra Kai a few days ago, and I just kept balling. I don't usually cry either. And I realized, that I want to live that. I want to be less comfortable, live my life purpose, truly pursue my passion. 

As I type this, I think screw the marketing business, let me just go full on in music. 

But then I'm also like "all my friends are making such good money" "people are going to think I'm a failure" "I'm just quitting too easily" "Where would I even live with no money?!" 

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Jayson, you have good points but you see i  think the LP course meant for you to realize it and then minimize distractions and detours and i think both of us will agree that we fear most about goin at it will all  of our efforts and never looking back. in a sense if you put the music career on hold and go peruse something else it will stay on pause and you never start it until you just go to the unknows. 

 Hendrix for example played all day for two decades, he was sleeping with his guitar, making breakfast with the guitar on him and playing , singing to himself and walk at  the streets while playing it, all the time. when he started to have big shows he would stay all day on the bed and play with his girl. come on time to the show and giving his best. 

you see how that is a bigger leap, he didn't play it safe, music was all that mattered to him. he said that he realized that at gigs  the musicians get the least money but with the girls it is the opposite. people thought he was freak and year later people interviewed him and he laughed because of that. 

i feel more passionate thinking that i will focus on it with full power. those big names acted much differently going strategically didn't cross their minds i think...  anyways it sound nice to be able to market products from any place in the world and later get the business atomized.

but i know i will have to work and put money on it to market and fail until i succeed, and its even more work for couple of years and less time to practice.

for example my sister had a product on amazon but she told me its just like a job you have to put the hours it just that you're at home.

i think the really serious musicians are to busy perfecting their sound and we will not hear from them in forums. 

reading that book about Hendrix just gave me that sense of his spirit. 

and you right today bands like tame impala which is Kevin Parker band he is not world class he is genius.

to be realistic i think you can always get a job to have enough money for basic needs, work part time, live minimalistic. if people will say or think that you failure they right, to them its looked like a failure, but you know where you are going towards, you already succeeding you cut all the bullshit. 

Logic worked a two jobs and all night was writing songs and imagining he performs in front of millions of people 

i went for the marketing because it can be helpful to market my stuff later, but it seems kind of backwards now. 

anyway i wish you best of luck with you're business and i really hope that this conversation is helpful. 

i realized that i wait for someone to tell me yea i do it, so i will have the courage to do the same. one life...zero regrets 9_9 


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@Avi Khomutovsky

My suggestion would get at least some sort of job to pay your basic bills. And then hustle, hustle, hustle whenever you can on your music.

I also make music. Realistically, I was not very creative when I was having massive anxiety about whether I'd be able to make rent or have money for food. You might be different, but a job helped me.

It sucks that society is structured this way but it is for now.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Yea Aurum, so you work at a job for now and working at it the rest of your time? btw i just replied to your Estas Tonne playing on Instagram, i think i will not go for this digital marketing business, too much time consuming and money. i already took digital marketing course so i will learn to make website and how to market, maybe i will transition later to job at it, if not i think i continue to work at part time jobs, work on project for cover show, playing as much as i can and maybe after decade or 4 i will be so good they cant ignore me.

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i hear ya man, one of my friends is a super talented musician. he’s on unemployment and makes music all day and always talks about it and shares it with me, we plan on making a band. he’s always shared his view on it as he doesn’t care where he lives or what he does as long as he’s making music. i have a similar philosophy with my art. i’m saving up for my own place with a job i have but all i really give a shit about is my art. i spend all day thinking about it. i’ve been in poverty before with no electricity, running water, or air conditioning in 100 degree summer, and very little food and i STILL made my art during those times

don’t let anyone or anything stop you. if it’s in your heart. it will take you all the way, as you say, no matter how long it takes

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vincent van gogh slept on the floor of a broken down shack with a prostitute, drank heavily, and ate very little. if you look at all of his works he has THOUSANDS of pieces. most of them duplicates of the same image just so he could perfect it 

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@UNZARIdude i very much love your energy, great words thank you! i was waiting for person like you to inspire me, this type of stories are all i needed right now. i am sure you inspired more people here, take off towards music just me and the guitar starts right now. i wish you the best moments you wish to have and to take your art to a place you dont know you possibly can. 

and to the rest who is reading this too, keep working hard and be the best that you can.

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