
i think it just happened?!

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i was driving along behind my friends car, watching how my headlights changed the shadow of his car, at this point i completely zoned out, i was just experiencing, i didnt have any thoughts, neither was i aware that i was driving, there was nothing, yet, there was experience but i was not the experience.
out of nowhere, consciousness appeared, and as soon as it appeared, the nothingness was gone, nothing, turned into something, i was then aware of the consciousness ariving (how?!, where from? wtf?), aware that it had came out of nowhere, and that in the previous experience, my mind was so quite, empty, nothingness, it was not blissful, it was not quite, it was, nothing pure nothingness, even describing it is making it something, which it was not, ugh?!

this experience was profound, how could something come out of nothing.
If nothing is, well, nothing, how can it conjour something, nothing, is something? yet, something is nothing?
my brain exploded, i felt this strange, understanding, yet i both understand, and do not understand. It wasnt an experience, it wasnt a feeling or an emotion, it wasnt the thought, it just was, direct nothingness, which when i realised, dissapeared, because it became something.

[edit] another thing, it was gone as quick as it was here, it just was, i was, and at the same time, i wasnt, and now i am not again.

is this, it?

Edited by lewis-j
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I had the same experience randomly happen to me when I woke up from sleep, but it didn't last very long. That's pretty crazy that it just randomly happened to you while you were sitting in a car.

This state is called turiya in Hindu philosophy, it is described as pure consciousness. I think it is accurate to say that you experienced nothing, as paradoxical as it may sound. That's how I describe it at least.

Rupert Spira describes it as "absence of absence" which is pretty accurate too

Edited by Osaid

Describe a thought.

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Yes. But it is possible that it will go away if it wasn’t absolute. If there’s still an apparent “wow” going on there, it could last a while (or perhaps not long at all) if it wasn’t complete, but in your case it easily could be complete — it‘ll be obvious if it’s the latter.

“First, mountains are mountains. Next, mountains aren’t mountains. And then, mountains are mountains again.“

The quote has nothing to do with the first paragraph I wrote. Just realized it might seem that way. It describes the recognition that seemed to happen in relation to your character.

Edited by The0Self

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@lewis-j  this sounds awesome but a bit scary when you're driving! Perhaps that's why your ego kicked back in, as a survival instinct. I get this sometimes when I'm in a relaxed mood (not just meditating) , although I don't have a name for it yet so thanks @Osaid  for the name. I wasn't sure if it's samadhi, do you know what's the difference? I could do with a good glossary for these terms to be honest. 

Welcome to the forum btw, this is a great entrance :)   Is this experience the result of a regular practice of some sort, or just purely out of the blue, like a grace? 

Edited by snowyowl

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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12 hours ago, lewis-j said:

is this, it?

Everything is it. You are it. ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@lewis-j Nice. It comes out of the blue, no introduction, no lead up, no nothing, it just kicks in your front door and suddenly you're there, realizing that you were there all the timexD

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so true, its stange.

since this, my thoughts feel so, quite.

like I have thoughts, though i feel dettached from them.

I am, and my thoughts are, yet we are not the same.

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@snowyowl thankyou, this was purely out of the blue, though in a strange way, a lot of things ive experienced in life seem to fit into this like a puzzle, complicated.

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