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The Observer

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Here’s proof that you the observer doesn’t exist. Who’s aware of the observer? Another observer?

The observer isn’t being observed it’s just the fiction happening 

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The observer = consciousness = the first cause = the eternal subject.

Consciousness is self-aware.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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What if the observer is you? 

I mean I do agree with the annatalakhana sutta (don't know if the spelling is right there) that you are not the consciousness, body or sensory perceptions that move from incarnation to incarnation, but for argument's sake lets say you are. 

Then the you that exists is the bundle of sensory perceptions, the "I" that exists is a collection of identifications/identity/personality. However all these things are temporary, you can tear down ego and personality. You can distort perception. 

Anything can be you if you identify with it, the you that is experiencing the perception could be the observer, or the primordial consciousness you are not aware of. However few reach the state of coming back to this pure undistorted awareness. That's why enlightenment is described as attaining the "eye that sees", not judges, not jolts back from, not discriminates or conceptualises, but simply sees. 

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