
Afraid of death and hell.

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I would really like getting some advice on how to deal with the fear of death and the existing of hell. Logically speaking I don't believe in hell after death, but it's due 2 bad trips I had that had me scared that it might exist or at the very least that there are evil spirit trying to attack me.  Also since the outbreak off covid-19 I am anxious about the future of humanity and myself. 
It's not that it has me worried all the time, but it's something that keeps reccuring from time to time. My hope is that it's just a state of mind I am in now and that it will go away in future when I have adapt a different subjective view. 

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I wonder which is greater, the fear of death or the fear of uncertainty?

Fear is the feeling that something bad is going to happen to you in the future. When you realize there is no future, only the present moment, fear dissolves.

Easier said than done, I know. The answer is simple: accept what is instead of struggling against it. Accepting reality doesn't mean refusing to change it. If a lion walks into the room, you probably want to GTFO, but you can only do that if you aren't frozen in fear.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Those fears have frightened humans for as long as they exist. It is the fear of the ego to disappear, or suffer. If the ego dissolves while you are alive, those fears will be reduced or even disappear

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3 hours ago, Nirvanalight said:

I would really like getting some advice on how to deal with the fear of death and the existing of hell. Logically speaking I don't believe in hell after death, but it's due 2 bad trips I had that had me scared that it might exist or at the very least that there are evil spirit trying to attack me.  Also since the outbreak off covid-19 I am anxious about the future of humanity and myself. 
It's not that it has me worried all the time, but it's something that keeps reccuring from time to time. My hope is that it's just a state of mind I am in now and that it will go away in future when I have adapt a different subjective view. 

This is kind of where I was. "Unfortunately" I had to experience hell for the fear to collapse. It was bad, but incredible.

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Sit down, close your eyes and observe these thoughts for a while. Just watch them like you would when watching a movie. They are simply thoughts; birds chirping in the wind, leaves falling from a tree, dogs barking at a car, cars driving down a road.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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On 11/3/2020 at 3:11 PM, Nirvanalight said:

My hope is that it's just a state of mind I am in now and that it will go away in future when I have adapt a different subjective view. 

You are the creator. Heaven and Hell and everything in between. It's all you.

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Hey man thanks for sharing, can definitely relate to both of them.

Try to recognize that the fear of death has some deeply beautiful aspects. It shapes our limited time as mortal human beings on planet earth into something more meaningful; continuously and subconsciously driving us beyond our highest potential. True infinity in this human form would get boring I think, as it is time that makes experience 

About the existence of hell, I can relate to that and here are my thoughts stemming from my experience. I believe our fear of the existence of hell stems from religious control and brainwashing mechanisms. Religion uses the story of 'hell' as a control mechanism to deceive humanity in following certain sets of moral rules. One example:

'If you have premature sex, then you will got to hell'

This doesn't only limit our massively powerful, natural and metaphysical sexual force as human beings, but it also creates a form of fear and guilt, both resulting in lower consciousness. This is just one example obviously, but religious morality creeps in everywhere. What worked for me to release these fears is to actually experience them really deeply. This is not fun, but I do believe that feeling them deeply and then releasing them helps, at least they did for me. Some ideas:

  • Watch The Exorcist alone at night
  • Read 'The Long Hard Road Out of Hell', by Marilyn Manson (strongly recommend this one actually, as he struggled with this moral and religious issue massively and he broke out like a rockstar. Not a fan of his music but reading his autobiographic thoughts on this gave me a huge understanding in this issue, helping me to resolve this issue once and for al)
  • Maybe even try taking psychedelics such as mushrooms with the sole intention of understanding and resolving your beliefs around this topic. 

I know these may seem scary at first, but they helped me to understand this. Understanding, seeing how Religion deeply deceived you and then channeling that anger, frustration, disillusionment and sorrow into what is truly meaningful for you, such as mastering your deepest dreams and most satisfying service. For me these religious beliefs stem from my grandparents perspective and were conditioned within me when I was young; they run deep and cannot be solved by just observing in meditation above. Now that I am older I can also see the huge benefits they planted in my life, so I can say that the frustration has fully faded away. Anway, hope this helps 



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i an too scared of this hence why I don't meditate - maybe if i master my personal development -  meditation won't be as fearful as it is now. I am scared like hell to meditate atm ∵ i am not comfortable with the whole "demons" ideas and posessiveness that I see in scary movies so yeah, personal development or psychologist first ? or both ? i do not want to get lost for 3-5 years whilst meditating and having some awakening that i am not ready for.


any help is highly appreciated

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@levani Meditation is connecting with the light that you are. There's nothing to fear in that :)

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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@Moksha you say that but then some stats which are some-what reliable say 40-50% of people fall i to depression after meditsting after a year, even the owner of this blog said so

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Nice thread. Thanks for your honesty.

I like the perspectives shared in these books:

The process for each individual is uniquely perfect/beautiful however ubiquitous the road itself may be.

Who dies? Who fears? Who experiences separation/division/egotism?

I continue to find much value in getting out of my own way, both in my doing and being. Higher will be done.

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41 minutes ago, levani said:

@Moksha you say that but then some stats which are some-what reliable say 40-50% of people fall i to depression after meditsting after a year, even the owner of this blog said so

It is my view that if one has even light trauma, it must be processed/balanced/integrated before everlasting happiness/bliss/peace may be remembered/realized/actualized.

Some people can integrate trauma through their own process of meditation (or plant medicine / entheogens) however many humans will require help from an expert. This is my view.

True unity is found when all lower blockage is cleared thus triumphing into the true Sunday (7th) achieving full coronation (crown chakra / pineal activation).

We get glimpses of illumination on the path however often we are required to continue working in the lower before higher activation may occur.

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How is your meditation practice going? What about your diet/fitness/sleep?

If you are afraid of death/hell/etc just start breathing slowly from the stomach with deep gratitude for the air you are breathing in.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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On 11/3/2020 at 3:11 PM, Nirvanalight said:

I would really like getting some advice on how to deal with the fear of death and the existing of hell.

There is the thought of death, and or hell. If that thought is focused upon long enough there is the belief in death, or hell. But you haven’t seen these, nor has anyone else, nor is there a single piece of evidence for these. What you “know” of death & hell, is limited in that it is only what people told you. People confused their ideas & beliefs, for what is actual. This did not settle within them in terms of feeling, so they labelled that feeling “fear”. 

Now you are reeling with indoctrination. Their belief has become your belief. Their discord has become your discord. Their fear has become your fear. 

No one can let go of beliefs for someone else. 

I vote you abide in feeling, and let go of beliefs which don’t resonate with you, simply in the name of your own well being. Recognize the actuality, that everyone can believe such things & suffer, or inspect actuality. It’s up to each one. I vote you find out what is actual. But that’s an easier thing to say after one has done so, or been through it, if you will. I can share with you though, that after letting those beliefs go (grew up Catholic) the fear went with them. It disappeared when it was seen how I was creating it by believing in nonsense (what didn’t resonate in feeling). 

I can share the change of perspective in regard to religion, death & hell. I once held the perspective, or, believed, there was a God, a heaven & a hell, angels, demons, and a satan. I was an impressionable, innocent, vulnerable child which was dependent on adults, like every other child. I looked to adults, especially those in what seemed to me to be authoritative positions, for guidance & understanding, and I just lived with fear like everyone else. It was just a fact of life to me. I didn’t really think much about it really. I took religion to be explanatory of “the after life”, and I believed that upon the end of this life I would face that almightily judgement. It didn’t make logical sense, and it didn’t make feeling sense, but I went along with the crowd. Honestly I wasn’t really even aware I was ‘going along with the crowd’, because I was a kid. The “crowd” was my family, and I knew my parents loved me and were honest people. So, I went along with it. 

But you know, it never settled, that fear. In hindsight I would say it was intuition, but back then I would have said something just didn’t sit right, didn’t resonate, and while I didn’t know what that was, I knew that I felt it. So I started looking into things. Questioning religion, my beliefs, science, reality, thoughts, emotions, feelings, people, etc. Of course, no one could do that for you, or for anyone else. You gotta look into these things for yourself.  

But I can tell you what I found is that there is God, but not in the sense I would have even thought. There are angels, and there is satan, and there is hell. But these aren’t what I thought they were. These aren’t some “after life”. These stories of The Bible (etc) describe this place here we find ourselves in today. I’m finding these “angels” spoken of, are us. I’m also finding some of these angels simply refuse to be parallel, that is, refuse to take themselves to be equal with all other angels. In doing so, these angels make enemies of other angels. In hindsight, these stories were more cautionary tales than they were stories about some “afterlife”. I learned this first hand, by directly experiencing being this devil, and by directly experiencing being in hell. I didn’t have to go anywhere to experience this, let alone an “after life”. I did this right here on earth, by holding myself to be “higher” than the rest of the angels. It was hell, and I did indeed feel the burn. Paradoxically, when I let my childish perspectives, ways, and beliefs go, I realized I never “grew up” like I believed I did, and I became a kid again. A kid in Heaven. The funny thing is, I never left in the first place. I created my own hell, and my own heaven too.

 “There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.”



Logically speaking I don't believe in hell after death, but it's due 2 bad trips I had that had me scared that it might exist or at the very least that there are evil spirit trying to attack me.  

In the same way that people label feeling as “fear”, folks also label truth trips as “bad trips”. Truth is not easy at first, because it shows us our beliefs. But though it may not be revealed yet, this is good, because to be without the fear, requires recognizing your beliefs. Recognizing yourself, and how you’re creating the fear. You have not made the mistake of “not starting”. Imo, that is commendable. Respectable. Noble. Brave. You’re ‘halfway there’, so to speak. It’s just some advice...continue on as you are. Listen to feeling, to intuition. Don’t make that other mistake, of “not going all the way”. It’s most worthwhile. Though in this manor you will cut yourself from “the crowd”, they’ll still be around, just the same. Maybe you sense that, maybe not yet, idk, but I’m rootin for you. Abiding in feeling, things have a way of going full circle, things mistaken are seen anew. 

“I have come to ignite a fire on earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! But I have a baptism to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is accomplished!”

“Do you think I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but division. From now on, five in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”

“As soon as you see a cloud rising in the west, you say ‘a shower is coming’, and that is what happens. And when the south wind blows, you say, ‘it will be hot’, and it is. You hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and sky - why don’t you know how to interpret the present time?”




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1 hour ago, levani said:

@Moksha you say that but then some stats which are some-what reliable say 40-50% of people fall i to depression after meditsting after a year, even the owner of this blog said so

It's called Dark Night of the Soul. The ego doesn't want to surrender without a fight. Meditation is a lightsaber in your spiritual arsenal. It is a weapon that grows sharper the more you wield it. Eventually you will learn to be a Jedi :)

I agree with @Chrism that there is wisdom in pacing yourself. Follow your instincts, and don't hesitate to reach out to others for help. We are all dancing in the same dream. When the time is right, you will realize the beautiful being that you are. At the end of fear, there is only love.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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3 hours ago, levani said:

i do not want to get lost for 3-5 years whilst meditating and having some awakening that i am not ready for

Your fears are a call to go deeper. The good new is that you can go deeper , its always good at the end. Well much more than simply "good". The bad new is that you cant scape. If you dont face your fears they are going to be difficult or maybe impossible to handle

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@Nirvanalight When we start to let go of our personal stories, (or they crumble apart anyway somehow), the ones that feel very sane, everyday and real, sometimes these other, religious, archetypal stories come in and take their place. It's like they latch on to the same belief mechanisms that are still turning somehow. We have to get very curious about them and about the beliefs holding them in place. 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Nirvanalight You made the right choice :) Ask yourself this: If Jesus made this sacrifice, humanity is already saved from intense suffering and death. What more is required?

On a deeper level, focus on your intuition rather than on your thoughts. When you are able to experience the light that you are, free from any beliefs, you will realize that you are the only answer there is.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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normal that you feel fear, humans are made (among other things) for extreme suffering. you do not need to see crucifixions or murder, just go to any hospital, or psychiatric, or nursing home. the story of Jesus is significant. for me it says: are you human? yes? do you embrace human suffering? don't you run away? are you able to see that in the most horrible suffering the light of infinite love opens?

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