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How to study like crazy?

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Any tips to stay focused for long periods of time to sit on your butt and read stuff or solve questions?

I get distracted very easily, I gets harder and harder to focus after an hour. I switch music, or check my phone, or I get hungry etc. 

Very hard also to keep coming back after breaks.


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Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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I have always had issues with being disciplined over several hours; with crushing tasks bit-by-bit. I have learned to play my cards right: I work in massive bursts of flow instead. When a supernova explodes, light devours the universe. An insufferable amount of energy is released. Like autumn's colors, it slowly withers away... the space goes quiet again... Until another flowgate opens. That's when you strike. That's when you unleash whatever resides in your soul.

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Some people are born with huge inclinations for focus and study.
Most people need to work at it. Slowly.
You have to get yourself into it over a period of years.

Can you study for an hour everyday for 90 days in a row?
If so then  simply set a goal of studying for 2 hours a day for 90 days.

The trick is to make it a part of your everyday routine. Just don't rush into it. And if you don't have anything in particular you NEED to study then focus your attention studying something you find interesting. The trick is to be a PATIENT MOTHERFUCKER.

p.s This same principle can be applied to any change in your life.

Edited by Seth

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   You could read about time management, but I think that managing energy is more important because you'll using mental energy to ingest the information you're learning, and that takes energy also to recall that information, each time. Finding the times you can nap is crucial, that's where time and energy management intersect because you give your mind/body some needed rest, while letting it digest the information acquired.

   More long term strategy is meditate/do mindfulness practices everyday, for 1 hour if you can, but always meditate daily at least. The meditation practices slightly enhance focus, sensory processing and 'divergent' thinking. Mindfulness can also increase focus, sensory clarity and equanimity. More focus means more time can be spent studying. More sensory clarity means more ways to integrate what you learn. More equanimity means less negative backlash from over learning, especially powerful in reducing all sorts of negative emotions that come up while studying.

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Check out the five hindrances. It's applied to meditation, but for study is also important.

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Get some notroopics when Iam on them iam obssesed with subject even if its boring :D

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Don't just mindlessly try to study, connect with your why.

Why are you studying the subject you are studying in the first place? If you are doing this just for getting good grades or just for the sake of pleasing your parents, you seriously need to find a deeper purpose/ reason why you are studying.

Ask yourself: Are you passionate about the subject? Is that an interesting topic? How can you make it enjoyable?

Another great trick i use to cultivate curiosity about the subject is constantly asking question about the thing you are reading.

How do you know what you just read are true statement? How would you prove that? Does it make logical sense? Do you agree with his opinions? Is the author is trying to get away with half-true statements?

Try to find the answers on the pages. This will both improve your concentration & help you staying motivated about what you are reading.

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