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The Secret Superpower of Imagination

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Think about this.  Everything you see around you began as a thought within someone's imagination.  The computer you are on right now is imagination manifesting as actuality.  

Imagination is not just a fantasy like most people think, but it is reality.  Politics, science, religion, philosophy, art, etc. are all imaginary, including our own self and personal identity.

But imagination is much more deeper than this.  Imagination is what connects us to our higher selves and spiritual realm.  Hypnosis helps us delve deeper into our imaginations and unlock our subconscious minds!  This allows us to go on psychedelic journeys and inner, mental journeys too.  Imagination does not need a drug per se, but they can help.  

Connecting with Spirit Guides, Angels, Shadow, etc. is only done through imagination.  

The importance of imagination is underestimated.  We have this powerful imagination as a young child, but we slowly lose this connection over time.  As a child, we are so playful with our imaginations.  There is no such thing as stress for children because of this playful aspect of imagination.  Adults habituate to life, take it seriously, and start to cease seeing the magic of life itself.

What is the power of imagination in your life?  

Imagination is so important, but so undervalued.  How do you think Bill Gates created Microsoft, or how Gandhi became successful, etc.?  They had imagination and vision for their lives.  

When you meditate, don't just focus on silencing your thoughts, but work on expanding your thoughts and visualizations!  I think we have it backwards!  We don't need to silence our thoughts to reach samadhi, but rather know how to think and expand on what we already naturally possess.  Silencing the mind is good, but in my experience, its like not working out for a week.  If you silence your mind too much, it may affect how you think because part of memory is imagination.  In my own experience, whenever I had a memory in my meditation, I would suppress it, and overtime, I noticed that my memory wasn't as strong because I wasn't practicing my imagination.

So here I offer you all a different paradigm.  Instead of focusing on silencing the mind, focus on expanding your imagination to the point in which you can imagine Master Yoda right in front of you so vividly that you cannot separate imagination from reality.  So practice expanding your imagination.  Silencing the mind will help your imagination flourish, but don't just spend your whole time trying to suppress your imagination because that won't get you anywhere.


What do you all think of this new paradigm that I thought about?  I found that I was able to access higher levels of love and empathy whenever I would be in my imagination palace.  I have gained access to higher levels of consciousness from my imagination than I have ever had in trying to quiet my mind.  Imagination can be a good spiritual teacher if you know how to use it.  What do you think astral projection is?  A stilling of the mind?  Or is it a utilization of the power of your imagination?  

Don't get me wrong, stilling the mind is still something you should try to do, but it shouldn't be the only thing.  Still your mind to help you dive deeper within the depths of your imagination.  I actually recommend you all to distinguish between Actuality vs Imagination first.  Once you get in touch with Actuality, the present moment, then you can get in touch with your imagination and expand on that.  Since our lives are both Actuality and Imagination, wouldn't it be good to exercise both of them rather than just focusing on Actuality?  As you practice, you will notice that there really is no distinction between those two.  All that you imagine right now is in actuality.

I believe that imagination is very therapeutic and can help you connect deeper within yourself.  You can explore your imagination into how you created yourself.

Imagination is so powerful!

 As David Lion once said to me, "Imagination = I - Magi - Nation."

What do you all think?  I personally enjoy meditations that use imagination (such as chakra meditation).




Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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