
reality is a dream ?

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am i understanding this correctly ?

When we go to sleep at night, we kind of not remember most of the dream when we wake up. So is this what happens when we actually die in this "reality" ? Our "brain" doesn't know what happens when we die so when we die we just wake up in another dimension or we just don't experience nothing, no time, nothing at all, ∴ there are no "we", there is like absolutely nothing ?

Edited by levani

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I have a feeling that when you die, you may finally stop pretending to be levani. 

A dream is any use of imagination. 

I cannot tell you what that means, if anything. 

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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"reality is not a simulation but it could be a dream" ?

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@seeking_brilliance well, there goes another heart palpitation, isn't that fucking horrifying Lol. Levani's/my ego must be so fucking high and attached to "me" that think i'll have a crisis when i find out the "truth"

this shit is fearful yet so addictive

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Just now, levani said:

"reality is not a simulation but it could be a dream" ?

How many times did you dream ?

Thousands of time right ?


How many times did you thought those dreams were real until you wake up ?

Almost all of them right ?


How can you be sure that you aren't dreaming now then ?

Because ... it feels real ?


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11 minutes ago, levani said:

@seeking_brilliance well, there goes another heart palpitation, isn't that fucking horrifying Lol. Levani's/my ego must be so fucking high and attached to "me" that think i'll have a crisis when i find out the "truth"

this shit is fearful yet so addictive

Why so scary?

answer as authentically as possible :  why are you scared?  If it turned out that levani was made up, why does that scare you?  

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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@Shin bro THAT IS THE THING, please don't take this in a "i am special, you are not" kind of way, but I do not remember what it is like to be in a dream, i simply do not, never have !!! So i don't know what to compare this reality to, i remember some of my dreams, once a month maybe but i never lucid dreamed and i experienced sleep paralysis 1/2 times maybe and it freaked me the fuck out, existential terror that was.

And yes, now feels real ∵ it is the only thing I can compare it to.

@seeking_brilliance clearly yes, otherwise it wouldn't be two different words, ask Leo i think unless someone smarter comes in this topic.


26 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

Why so scary?

answer as authentically as possible :  why are you scared?  If it turned out that levani was made up, why does that scare you?  

∵ "i" will not have anything to relate to bro, how do i know what I will have to face

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All that happens is that your brain measures time in a very different way when you fall asleep. No mystery to it. The dreams you have in the morning are a reflection of this different measurement.

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2 hours ago, levani said:

am i understanding this correctly ?

When we go to sleep at night, we kind of not remember most of the dream when we wake up. So is this what happens when we actually die in this "reality" ? Our "brain" doesn't know what happens when we die so when we die we just wake up in another dimension or we just don't experience nothing, no time, nothing at all, ∴ there are no "we", there is like absolutely nothing ?

‘That’ is this. This is absolutely nothing. Nothing is not some other thing, place or dimension ‘after we die’. It’s this. “Everything” is the movie the screen (Nothingness) is being. It’s not that the brain doesn’t know what happens when we die, it’s that brain is a thought, not a thing which knows. You are that which is knowingness of the thought ‘brain’, and that which is the ‘thought’ ‘brain’. Humorously if you will, ‘death’ is also a ‘thought’, which is you, and is about you. It’s funny because it’s the same you ‘life’ is attributed to. How funny are you? 

“I do not remember what it is like to be in a dream, i simply do not, never have !!! So i don't know what to compare this reality to...”

You can’t be in a dream. You can make it seem like it though, by dreaming. 

Imagine if “you” - conventionally speaking, as a person, wanted to go somewhere. Imagine you don’t have a car, but you can become any vehicle. *poof* - you become a car. But there’s no you to drive the car. But the scenery changes as if. 



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@Nahm this is hard to grasp but i kind of got it, i'll keep reading it till i get it fully

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@levani what you wake up from is the tendency to believe all the stories your mind has been spinning about the life that seems to be unfolding. Whereas previously you might have had the thought, “I am such a dork”, or “no one likes me”, once you awaken, you realise these are just thoughts appearing IN you, and were appearing to you as the idea of a self believed in. 

But not just thoughts, everything which gets interpreted, all senses.

So you no longer believe the story that usually slips under the radar, like, I am here in this room, on my computer, having an argument with this person over the internet. 

But the more you look for this one who you take yourself to be to which this is all unfolding or happening to, the more you come up clean, you cannot discern anyone to which everything happens to, there is just this happening.

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Learn how to remember your dreams and have lucid dreams.

Then you'll be able to answer the questions we were asking.

Yes it can be scary, but if you want to be serious about this that might not be an option.


Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

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so then the pain in this dream i call "real life" is real in this dream but pain can and suffering can also exist within other "dreams" ?

also can i get stuck in a dream which i dream at night ? like lucid dreaming for another life-time or for eternity ?

is it possible to wake up an infinite Σ of times ?

is it possible to dream within a dream within a dream within a dream, etc etc ?

how of you make sense of dreams ?

so "i" am in an infinite Σ of dreams simultaneously now even though I am in one now typing on this computer ?

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@Shin it's easy to say bro. I'd say i'd be okay if i had a sitter but alone i think i could go crazy so i don't want to pursue it the truth alone even though i presume you guys will say it can only be done alone or something like this.

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