Dany Balan

SJW Come!

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Hope you socialist liberals get offended by this tweet! :D  


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What do you conservatives think your gaining by offending liberals exactly? You being offend would leave me in exactly the same state I was before minus time wasted.  It is nothing more than trolling and Leo has a old video on this: trolling is nothing more then procrastination in a different form. And procrastination is only fun till you realize your just screwing yourself

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@Space Coyote As long as liberals have centrist ideas and don't go to0 far left i am ok with them! i had a long day of work and i felt in the mood to ruin the mood of some SJW and to have a laugh,that is all! :) 

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Its not triggering because its not even true. Diversity has nothing to do with societal collapse. Old debunked right-wing talking point. Next!

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@Rilles It is not a very big problem right now,but time passes,the dirt under the rug piles up,and when it will be too much,it will blow up everything!

Today's America says the contrary of what you said,Riots,looting and mass destruction sounds familiar to you? ,today's France is again showing that,Scandinavia also,all liberals,watch the news relating France ,and then have the nerve to try to prove me otherwise!

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Low quality post aimed to trigger people's emotional buttons without adding any value. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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