Leo Nordin

How to balance high states of consciousness and survival

4 posts in this topic

I awakened some time ago, I am very young but had prepared my body/mind for awakening for a long time. Now I can let go of ego at any moment and experience life to the fullest. 

Tho this gave me a strong sense of the need to secure survival in such a way that it takes minimal effort and won't be disturbed by me living to the highest capability of the human consciousness. 

As we now ego is good only for survival. As of lately I've used a lot of ego almost all the time to develop knowledge to be able to make money on the go. I've had some anti ego backlashes and they have brought even more desire to use my ego even more now so that I don't need to later.

What would happen if I let go of ego for a year, would I naturally attract enough attention to make money out of my work for the greater good, aka life purpose? Or is that not realistic. Because I deemed that a big risk and instead am using ego only to get knowledge for survival which is a very ineffective way to use your mind/consciousness. The safest idea might be to secure some kind of income that I can have on the go as I habe been trying to do as of lately. 

If I continue this path is it a good idea to use ego to the fullest or should there be some kind of balance that would be more effective. A day in awakened states of living I need 4-5h less sleep each night and now when I use a lot of ego I need a lot of sleep. Because I am stretching my minds capability in an unnatural way, with ego. 

When I live in ecstasy you do what is needed for the world aka the greater good. This is what I wonder after a year if people would be there to support my survival. 

So I have two questions, would I living to the fullest be supported after living for the greater good for a year?

If not and I need to secure an income first, what's a good balance between high states of experiencing life and ego for survival?

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35 minutes ago, Marinador said:

The universe will balance it, just follow your path

It has done until now. Universe is good it's impressive how it does its thing uncouciously. 

Mayby I will just leave everything for a year right now, it's not like I am going to regret it. I can always go back to where I am right now but with less money.

Do you want me to go for it? For the jokes, I can market myself with that if I become a guru in the future lol. 

You made me realise how it doesn't really matter what I do. I believe the value of living to the highest is way more fun and interesting. If I starve myself I can always go back or leave this world if I want to, but people will give me food before that. Hmm yeah why not disolve ego and go on a rampage lol. 

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People on here usually take every word I say very serious and try to snatch out how I am actually not awakened or something like that lol. Try to not make to many assumptions based on how I conducted my sentences haha. And yeah because people here fluctuate a lot in knowledge or experience this is common. 

Karma or the consequences followed by action will always be there. For everything you are involved in on this world this matters very much depending on what you are trying to do. The idea to choose between ego now and not ego later or never ego. Ofcource I mean limiting ego as much as possible. Will I have to use a lot of ego in the future or is an awakened person able to support his survival without it. I don't know the capabilities of my true potential but I know its way more than what I could do before. Interesting, please share an interesting response, arguments over every single detail isn't my thing. Thanks?

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52 minutes ago, Marinador said:

Enlightened people use ego as any other person but the distinction is that there is no fear, there is no selfishness, they have selfless awareness, to say this can be misleading.

I often am misleading when I teach or share knowledge. For me what you wrote is obvious but you wouldn't understand before awakening. The reason of activity is way different between an enlightened being and the common man. Though for me in enlightenment you leave this world. Awakened beings is my word for people like buddha etc. 

Your post is beautiful? Because what you say is true and you conducted your sentences well. 

If you want to share more knowledge here please do, the potential readers might benefit?

By replying I intended new readers might join the thread. Though no one has as of yet. We have gone off topic. 


Edited by Leo Nordin

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