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from chaos into self

I am this

3 posts in this topic

If non-duality, then I am everything, including my thoughts and feelings. My body and life. This self is me. Sure I’m not only this self, I am the god self, but these experiences of the limited self are still me. It may be an illusion but the illusion is the limitation, not the substance. If I feel compelled to interact with the limited world I’m following truth. All this that is “mine” is important to the world as it unfolds. I should be taking care of this self, bound to this world. Transcending limitation is just that- transcending the limited perspective. But before and after enlightenment, chop wood carry water. If I choose to self-actualize without transcending the ego, then that is fine. I don’t think I’ll have an enlightening experience in my life. I’m too closed-minded. 

and if god is everything, the external world exists. it’s solid and there. it’s persistent. it may all be consciousness but it will persist even when my attention wanes. The rock has consciousness separate from my own, and because of that the rock remains when I look away.

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Okay, listen. What you said is true; this limited seemingly separate self is you, and If you don't want to do anything about it that's fine. However, if you want life to be amazing, full of joy, and with a lot less suffering, you should go beyond the limited part of you. It's your choice and whatever you do is fine.

If you're lazy or 'close-minded' or whatever, like how I was, and you want to know what the hell this is all about, just get some 5-MeO and tell It to do whatever the fuck It wants. It only takes an hour, and you'll be back to your beloved limited self. And then you take it from there.

You don't have to. It's all your choice.

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10 hours ago, Mikael89 said:

"Just get some 5-MeO"..

It's not even possible to get it anywhere. At least not in Sweden.

I got it online and they shipped worldwide (I can't tell you the website obviously). I took a risk I won't lie, but omg was it worth it.

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