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Can you prove the existence of God rationally? NOT SERIOUS AT ALL

25 posts in this topic

"Can you prove the existence of God rationally?" 

If I've understood logic and Gödel's theory at all, then pure reason and logic - without empirical evidence - proves nothing outside the formal and abstract rules of logic itself. It's just an expansion of the underlying axioms and assumptions you have started with. Eg how you define God in the first place, you're free to do that however you want of course. 

5 hours ago, Member said:

There shouldn't be anything! Therefore, there is something fishy here. That fishy thing, is God!

There is only one thing here, call it God if you must, but if it's fishy, then there's nothing else which is non-fishy for the idea of fishiness to mean anything. In a nondual reality, there isn't even any distinction between existence and non-existence is there? 

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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It can actually be proven by maths as a whole. Nothing in reality can defy self evident logic


For example we call reality absolute infinty because it is exacly that. Not absolute beyond infinty. To realize the rationality behind infinty You may have to reach stage mandarin. 

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when you have something that has some characteristics, some bigger thing that encompasses the small one, that bigger thing, by definition, has all the characteristics of the smaller one, right?

if an ant is intelligent, by the defition the ant collony is at least as intelligent as the ants, right? possibly way more, as it does all the individual ant does and much more.

Now, if we are alive, the universe in wich we live must be alive as well.

If you consider we are intelligent, you must agree the universe where we live is at least as intelligent as us, right?

And what do you call something that is so big it encompasses everything, and that is both alive and intelligent? (or should i say, has all the intelligence in the universe?)

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4 hours ago, krockerman said:

It can actually be proven by maths as a whole. Nothing in reality can defy self evident logic


For example we call reality absolute infinty because it is exacly that. Not absolute beyond infinty. To realize the rationality behind infinty You may have to reach stage mandarin. 

Explain how can you understand something that is infinite ?

By being more infinite than infinity ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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